
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blooming garden

    I mean just about everything is in bloom!  Both of these photos are of the large front island bed.  It is anchored by a maple and cherry tree at either end, and the center is filled with day lilies, cone flowers, and other perennials.  Just ignore the stray weed and clumps of grass....I do right now.   
    I've spent a lot more time on the porch---directing Sir Old Man as he did some yard maintenance for me.  Still the day lilies and cone flowers and peonies need to be divided.  He just trimmed back the rosemary, and I have to  rinse some pieces for him to chop and freeze.

    It is day 50 of the shoulder event....that translates to 7 weeks.  The word for this week is painful.  At PT, my therapist worked on my neck muscles which are one big knot from wearing the sling.... and causing me to have back spasms also.    So I have not been very productive this week at all....mainly staring at "the wall".

     Insight:  The wall, like in hitting the wall...not the design wall.  It is the stopping point, that mental block that stops you in your tracks and makes you doubt yourself and your abilities, and it  saps  your inner strength.   That wall.   Dig deep inside yourself.   Avoid it like the plague!

    One  bright spot has been  here.  I think bloggers are a special breed.  They love to send neat emails, and leave kind comments, and send soft, squishy packages to others.   They share their travels and their trials, seek to help and to learn, and  never ask for anything in return.   Blogland is a very special place.  Thanks for dropping in to my corner of the world.  I promise to return to normal soon.  Happy stitching.  


  1. Your flowers are lovely...and I agree, the grass just adds a bit of greenery! I try to feel the same about the odd dandelion too!!

  2. What lovely flowers... and slave labor too! Hope you had a nice tall glass o' iced tea while you were directing the help... *lol*

    Yes... blogging friends are very special... I know I sure love mine!

  3. What a wonderful way to garden, sit on the porch with your mint julep and give directions. I have a feeling you'd rather have the dirt under your nails. Embrace that pain, it means you're moving forward and push though that nasty wall, it grows if you think about it too much.

  4. You are in a paradise with that beautiful flowers!
    Happy sunday.

  5. Your garden is beautiful. Since it's really to late to start this year I've decided that next year I want lots of color in my yard. I love perennials that come up each year with little maintenance.

    I have to agree with Dana when she said that wall will grow if you think about it too much. Just know that this week is another step to getting better.


  6. Seven weeks has been a long time. I know PT is painful (I've had a taste of that myself), but it is well worth the effort. Your yard is absolutely lovely.

  7. We are so blessed to have wonderful men who love us and care for us - and let us direct their activities!


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