
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Something new to grab

   You meet the greatest people in blog land.  I am so blown away with the complete kindness and generous spirit of quilters here.  Such  a blogger is Mrs. Techie Claus,  Dana at Stormy Days .  She offered to "play" around and see what she could come up with for a button/logo for the Mrs. Claus project for me.   And overnight, she sent me a selection of buttons to try.  Note:  She is in sewing machine withdrawal right now, waiting for parts for her best little stitching time was lost, even if she pulled out her hair over this for me.  Do drop over and thank her...and enjoy her blog while you are there.
  I could not make up my mind on just wonderful Dana created both for me.   Isn't he the cutest reindeer!
 And the tree is so me!  So feel free to select your favorite and spread the news about the doll quilts.  

   The buttons along with the grab code are on my side bar.   They will directly link to the Get Your Mrs. Claus On page where all the photos and details of the project are.  I'm so excited over this.  Many thanks to Dana  for her hard work.
I'm going to stitch a little bit while I watch some more Olympic trials.....I love all the courage and determination that our athletes have.  They inspire me.  Happy stitching.


  1. I added the cute reindeer button to my sidebar - with all the Christmas in July activities, it would be great to include this.

  2. I'm a tree kinda girl myself... and will be running right over to my blog to add it!

    Dana - You done good, gf!


  3. Oh, I can't decide which I like best--both are great! I'm watching the Olympic trials, too. Love to see the amazing things these athletes can do.

  4. Your courage and determination inspires me!

    Unfortunately I couldn't see the buttons on my iPad so I will have to remember to revisit this post when I turn my computer on.

  5. Both the little logos are wonderful. I'm so glad Dana was able to help you out with coming up with a good design for you. The reindeer makes me smile & the tree brings me a sense of peace. I'll go give Dana a shout out now & tell her how much I like them.

  6. I had to go for the tree icon...after all blue is my favorite color!


I enjoy comments and will reply if your email is linked! Otherwise, use my email in side bar for answers!