
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Colorwash is growing

  This thing is addictive to me.  Even if I only have 15 to 20 minutes, I am in there studying and re-arranging squares.   So this is a quick shot of where I left off yesterday.  Look back at a few days ago to see how this one has grown.
   I raised the red area a bit by adding a dark teal area at the bottom left.   The upper corner on the left is in purple and now for the blues to come in from the right.  The right side needs more blending but you get the idea of where I am putting the colors.  Right now the size is 16 rows by 21 rows....or when  sewn it would be about 32" by 44".
     Growing....Jen sent me this shot of Remy heading off to his first day of school---K-3.  I can't believe how much he has grown.  I think they feed him fertilizer.  And a question.....don't they wear shoes to school in Florida?  ;)  I just had to share.
     PT report....yes!  Greatly improved and Katie was amazed at the range I have.  By the end of my session she had me raising my arm to----ready for this---180 degrees!!!!   Such a small thing as raising your arm---like to hang up clothes or put away dishes---is not to be taken lightly or for granted.  It has taken me over 4 months to accomplish this little feat.
    It  is baking day to the kitchen.
Happy stitching.


  1. Love seeing your progress with the colorwash. Cute photo of '1st day'.

  2. Your colorwash is looking good! Congrats on how well you are doing in PT, that has to be wonderful to be able to raise your arm that much!

  3. Your colorwash is coming along beautifully!
    What a cute your man.

  4. Remy is darling... he could be in the movies. Did you see the trailer for the movie about the boy found in the bushes? Remy grows his leaves like a hat! (Sorry about that, but I just had to. I've looked at my photos differently since the photographer at our wedding caught the gold from the altar above my head and it looks like i"m wearing a crown.)
    So 180 should be full range? Maybe doing the colorwash has was fun and theraputic and really pretty.

  5. Great news about your PT progress.... I know you must be pleased! What a long time 4 months is when you're trying to be patient...

    Love your color wash... it's looking GREAT!

    The little ones do grow up so quickly... and your Remy is a doll!

  6. I am really loving this one because it looks so much like one I made and is called Boundless Sky. This is how I started out ,I saw the beginning one and now this mine went for a square yard to a full size quilt.
    You always do great work!!
    Remy sure is cute!

  7. Remy looks so sweet!

    As you know, I love watching the progress on the colourwash.

    What did you bake? I used to love baking day when DD was much younger; now I rarely bake.

  8. Great news on the PT front! I am so happy for you. Your colorwash is beautiful. Have a great weekend.

  9. Beautiful work Debbie. So glad to hear your wonderful PT report also. You've had a long road and are doing wonderful with therapy. Keep up the great work!
    Hope to see you soon,

  10. Your colorwash is looking so pretty. My DD wants me to learn how to make colorwash quilts like you. Maybe I should buy the house next door to you so you could teach me quilting & gardening. :)

    Remy is so precious. He won't have a hard time with the gals when he gets older...they will flock around him. He looks so happy.

    Woo-Hoo, you are making such good progress on your PT. I just know your therapist is so proud of what you've accomplished.

  11. love your quilt so far. my mom has made many a colorwash quilt. I have a wallhanging she made for me.
    PT! love it or hate it, it is always a good thing.

  12. Your color wash is looking good. I haven't even started with my kit yet. I had to have one, but I am scared to play with it. I don't have a design I will have to improvise something soon. And it will have to be where I can leave it set up!
    I am so glad you commented on my blog -that prompted me to check yours!


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