
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

An eye opener day

    The Free motion challenge at SewCalGal is the one challenge / project I really committed myself to this year.  First to do all the lessons and learn some new muscle memory and techniques; second, to improve my control and quilting skills.  I needed to get out of the rut of stipple and swirl.  I missed a month along the way, but luckily we have bonus tutorials to enter as a catch-up.  Even if you are participating, take the time to read and print off the information for the future.  This challenge is a gold mine of experts.
  The bonus this month is a good, shoot, trace,  and stitch.   I wanted to do this one for sure.  So camera in hand I began looking around.  Here are a few things I found.  Looking through the camera lens I made a discovery.

    Do you see the recurrent theme....even to the design on the door mat.   Why am I fighting my overall nature?  I have surrounded myself inside the house and outside too, with similar designs.  Curls, swirls, and more swirling or twisting patterns.
   Eye opener # 1......I am feeling frustrated because I am fighting against my nature. The view thru the lens opened my eyes.   I have said over and what you love.  Then do it again.    So I will pick one of these and stitch it for this month's bonus for the challenge.

   But not today.  It is raining and just right for getting on  with uncompleted tasks.  I am ready to quilt the trees and cardinals quilt.   Bet you will never guess / figure out which pattern I decided on!   Look at the fabric I used on the tree.  Instead of fighting my nature, I am going for what I like and do best.   I am not quilting  too dense.....just enough to flattened the background and allow the trees and birds to pop a bit.
  Eye opener # 2.......Thread!   I needed white thread.  When I checked my thread bin, there was no white Isacord---my usual choice for  free motion quilting.  I did find a new spool, bought on sale, of Aurofil 50 wt.  in white.  I believe I purchased it  thinking I would  use  it for a bobbin thread.  I have read great things about it, but never tried it before.  Well, guess what?  I am a believer!  This thread stitches like a dream......I will be purchasing more.
  Some  of the white fabrics in the background have the "painted" type of design on them, which makes them  difficult to stitch through and get nice stitches.  Yet, today I have had no problem at all and the stitches look great.  Yep, my eyes got opened.
Back to stitching.


  1. How fun to find those swirl patterns all around you. I love quilting swirls. They look good on your quilt.
    As to the thread--I, too, am always hearing about Aurafil, but it was not available around here. Finally a shop started carrying it, so I bought a couple of small spools. Just used it for the first time on a mini last week, and my experience was much like yours. But it is pricey. I may have to save it for special quilts.

  2. How wonderful to find things around you through the eyes of the camera. Just recently when we were at the feed store I noticed...for the first time...that the Purina logo is nothing but a simple red & white Nine Patch. ;)

    I need to venture out when it comes to thread. I generally use Connecting Threads most of the time.

  3. Isn't it great when those eye openers come along to help us along to happier stitching, love it!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  4. Yes, I think flowing curves might be your thing! Go for it!

  5. I believe you've given me that advice before, I'm glad you're listening to what you already know. Those flowing curves are perfect for you, I think they'll flow just like your favorite swirls.

  6. I think you're on to something, though many of the practice pieces you've made this year using new techniques have been gorgeous.


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