
Monday, September 10, 2012

Fall is in the air

   What a beautiful day yesterday.  And today is more of it....there is nothing like a morning cup of coffee on the patio when the air is cool and crisp.   It makes me think fall is in the air.
    When the family went to the football game Saturday,  I put some stitching on the fall banner for my demo.    Nothing fancy, just outlining the appliques and curves for movement.   I like how it turned out with the dimensional flying geese, all heading south!

      We have enjoyed Remy.....a 3 year old chatterbox who is into everything.  Last night he informed me he was making a car with my "towels".  We expected to see half the linen closet on the floor, but instead he had used quilts!  I laughed so hard at his antics....dragging quilts three times his size across the room  to pile up around a couple of pillows.   A child's imagination in motion.   Everyone else was horrified--not her quilts--, and I thought it was priceless.    Hope he holds onto that imagination....always.
Happy stitching.


  1. Wonderful fall banner. I think that quilting was just the right touch!

  2. Lovely movement in this quilt. Yes, little ones, we need to see things thru their eyes sometimes.

  3. Your fall demo banner turned out really pretty. The ends of the flying geese blocks give the appearance of partial sashing thrughout your piece & I really like that look. I love the "geese" flying south for the winter. That's all the verification I need to let me know that fall is just around the corner. We've had a beautiful week-end here & this morning was so cool in the high 60's. What a wonderful relief from the hot, hot summer we've been havin.

    Remy sounds like a real joy to have around the house. To bad you have to give him back. ;)

  4. Lovely banner... everything about it is just so cool!

    Ah, the little ones' imaginations... so wonderful to enjoy....

  5. I Just love your banner !! And the cool weather has not touched us yet but we have turned off the air. Lots of rain lately though.
    Remy sounds like he has a huge imagination, like my grand daughter, did you take a picture of his creation out of the quilts?

  6. That's why I make my boys' quilts from chain store fabric because I'm sure if I paid LQS prices (average $25 metre) I would be really precious about them! As it is, I love watching them play with them and wrap themselves up in them and when they need replacing, I will make them another chain store fabric quilt!

  7. This is a lovely quilt, I think you did a great job too.

  8. This turned out beautifully and I love the quilting.

  9. It's beautiful and the quilting is awesome. Your quilts gave Remy joy, just not in the way we usually think, good for both of you.


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