
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

More photo practice

  Changes coming to the sewing space, so it is a total disaster.  It has been a long couple of days in there.  I will share the new arrangement  later this week.
     I did get outside for just a while ---needed some fresh air and to take some more photos  for practice.
    This time I used the 3-D bow tie quilt.  It is very scrappy.  So first, it is laid out on the lawn.  I am happy with the angle shot.
     Then I threw it over the stone wall by the workshop.  I liked this shot just for the contrast in the angles of the quilt blocks against the stone wall.

  Then  around the side of the shop with a little more sun.....I love this view.  It makes me want to have a picnic basket lunch out here.

   Final shot....a close up of a corner.  And a closer look at the variety of quilting stitches I used in the centers.  This is the part I need to work on.....getting better photos of the quilting.
   I took about 25 shots and these are the 4 I liked best.  So lesson learned:   lots and lots of photos  improve my chances of getting a good one  out of the bunch.

   The Bloggers' Quilt Festival for Fall is coming up in October.....think about entering.  Happy stitching.


  1. It's a lovely fun quilt and I like the shots from different angles -- it's like a magazine spread!

  2. Oooo.... you're making changes in your studio? Can't wait to see what you've been up to...

    Love the photos... you're doing good!

  3. Love the way you took the photo's. I was at Mom's over the weekend and she showed me a 3 D-Bow Tie Quilt she had made recently, I have a picture but she had not completed the quilting yet.I will post it soon. I love all your quilts!

  4. Have never heard of a 3 D Bow Tie Quilt until today. VERY NICE!

  5. How fun! I especially like the angle shots.

  6. YOur doing great with the photos. I especially like the first one laid out on the lawn. It seems to be placed just perfect & in the right light to bring out all those wonderful colors in the quilt.

    I can't wait to see what you've done with the sewing room. Change is always a a good thing to get us out of a rut.

  7. Great pictures Debbie!! Glad my photography tutorial inspired you to give it a try.


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