
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Strings and things

     First, a little story on me......  I have been sitting here trying to get the photos off my camera for a while.  The computer just was not recognizing the camera again.  It goes through this fit every so often, and we have found a shut down and restart of the computer usually makes things right.  Except today, I was on my third shut down when the master of it all, Sir Old Man, walked in.  When I complained and explained the problem, he calmly said, "Well, you are not connected on this end to the computer."   Duh, egg on my face, once again.   Now, I wonder just who pulled that end out of the USB on me?   ;o)   Another good laugh on me!
     I have been sorting  scraps and strings into color families.   I need to really use them.  I hate cutting more / new fabric when I have a huge basket, make that baskets and bins, full of strips and strings.  Since  nothing else seems to work to keep them from multiplying, I am trying a string quilt project.    I have yards and yards of  fabric---gifted to me---that has dark stains on the edges.  It is just perfect for the string foundation squares.  I could use paper, but hate the time and mess of removing it, and secondly, too often the stitches pull out on the ends.   Just my preference for fabric as a stabilizer.
    And I need a plan to go by.  I settled on 8 inch squares with a diagonal black/dark strip separating the colors on each half of the square.  The dilemma is how to keep track of what color should go where.   I used EQ7  for a layout on paper and my crayons----yes, I do have crayons, too---to color in my layout.  Once I have a block/color combination done, I will check it off my "map".   (I don't know how the layout photo will print or save.  So if you try, let me know if you need a better one.  I can create a PDF and email on request.)

   I did 2 squares with dark blues can see I checked  off the blue/yellow and blue/green squares as done.   Another hint:  Label the foundation squares a few at a time.    I used a pencil to write  the color family for the strings on the foundation squares.  One corner says dark blue and the opposite diagonal corner says red for my next block.  With the way my brain has been lately, I need the extra help.
   Got my night time stitching  plan,  got my foundation squares, got my strips and strings, got my machine set for a cup of coffee and a movie.
Happy stitching.  


  1. What a great idea! I need to remember this... I think my scrap bins are breeding or something...

  2. I haven't even been making quilt tops and I still seem to have scraps coming out of the woodwork! Good luck in reducing yours - you have a great plan!

  3. I really need to make at least one string quilt soon, I'm overflowing in the strip bin. I like to use fabric for the foundation, I just like the extra weight and they seem softer.


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