
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wonders of Color

   Yes, I did find a light bulb for the Featherweight, and got the last few rows of stitching completed.  So the Wonders of Color is pressed and awaits quilting.

    I tried to photograph outside for natural see if that helped.  This one turned out  34" by 44"....a really nice  large size for a wall hanging.  I added about 200 squares to the original 200 I got from Wanda  at Exuberant Color.    Working with this much concentration of color was a different experience for me, but I really had fun twisting and shifting the squares around.  And I was really surprised how many different fabrics I had to use and  from which to select for this.   To border or not to border.....I will be thinking on that one.
    And I have almost finished up the quilting on the fall wall hanging with the great pumpkins....soon.
    I will be cleaning up the sewing room, as my brother is bringing Remy up for a few days.  Creative time will be limited this weekend.  And tomorrow is Banana Pudding making day.   When Dan called he said that Remy wanted one, but I am not fooled.  I know exactly who wants the all time favorite dessert.  ;o)

Update:  Here's a link to the recipe for the Original Banana Pudding  .  It's the back of the box recipe that my Mom always used.  The custard is from scratch, as she used to say, and that is what makes it so good.
   Happy stitching.


  1. So pretty! I gotta try that sometime. Banana pudding sounds like a recipe you need to share!

  2. Gorgeous!! Yes, the banana pudding sounds delish and you must share.

    1. I added an update with the link to the recipe. It is the original back of the box recipe for Banana Pudding.

  3. Great job, Debbie! So lovely....

    ...and why YES! I'd like some 'naner puddin!


  4. Your wall hanging is gorgeous!

    enjoy the family time (and the banana pudding!)

  5. Your wall hanging is absolutely beautiful! I really need to get my squares out from Wanda and make mine!

  6. I love it... and yes, I need to work on mine also. I got the batik kit from Wanda.

  7. ....And God said, Let there be light! (and banana pudding!)

  8. I haven't had banana pudding since I worked with a woman from Baltimore about 30 years ago. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. I love the way the center of the quilt seems to glow. It is the perfect size for a wall quilt. Enjoy your company over the weekend.

  9. That is a beautiful, beautiful quilt. I love the colors and how you've worked them into this quilt.

    My husband loves that banana pudding! My dad had a bakery and I loved the banana pie, but without that bakery any more we go to Golden Corral for an amazing banana pudding that means I don't have to have any more than one serving tempting me!

    Enjoy the weekend! (I'm sure you will as it sounds like you're the thoughtful hostess with the mostest!)

  10. I am so impressed with this piece. I think it looks great just as it is without a border.

  11. I just read you're interview over at Amy's, congratulations. I saw the first quilt and thought, this can't be Debbie, but then the colorwashes showed up. Beautiful and a really good interview.


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