
Friday, October 5, 2012

I'm thinking bigger....

   Faceted Jewels.......48 blocks done.....but I am thinking I will make it a bit bigger.   Yet I know one thing, I love the colors!!!  
   I had a couple more emails about the pattern......none used.  I created my diagram, colored it in, and sorted fabrics by color family.  That was probably the most time consuming thing.  I broke my blues into 3 groups....dark blues like navy, medium tone blue, and the lightest blue.  The red fabrics were further divided into dark blueish red and orangy reds.  And I broke out a group of turquoise, or blue green, too.  If your fabric stash has more green, for example, you might consider a dark green group, and a light group, or blue greens and yellow greens.
    Your color palette will differ from mine because we all choose and see color differently.  That is what makes this type of  quilt exciting to work on and view. I see a lot of possibilities for variations according to how the fabrics are sorted and put back together.  Even one done in all blues and greens, or purple and blue.........think on it.  Make it your own.

   It was much cooler this morning and should really cool off this weekend.  I've pulled everything together for the demo at the quilt show tomorrow.   So I hope to have some inspiration to share next week.
Have a great weekend and happy stitching.  


  1. I'm thinking you should send this gorgeous thing to me! *lol*

    The blocks/colors are gorgeous... I vote with making it bigger!

  2. It's lovely - and if you want bigger, go for it. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. If you have the scraps in all the right color combinations to make it bigger, that would be lovely. It just shimmers!

  4. It's gorgeous so far! I've made a few string quilts, but this one just sparkles.

  5. I love your color choices. This is just lovely.

  6. I love you Faceted Jewels. I am working on a string project also but I like yours better. I love how the black makes the jewels pop.

  7. I love it, the colors are fantastic. If you have a lot of people asking about the pattern maybe you should do a tutorial on string quilts and layout. I guess some people may not realize about the center being black. Just a little something to think about in your spare time :)

  8. That's a very pretty quilt Debbie.

  9. I love the way the blocks pulse with color. There are many variations of string quilts on the web, but this one is really special.

  10. This is going to be pretty. I love black in any quilt because it really helps the colors stand out. I've only made sample string blocks but never a quilt from them. I bet your demo at the quilt show yesterday was a big hit.

  11. This is going to be a stunning, beautiful quilt!!. I must try to make one next year.


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