
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Photos for today

     First up....from Mrs. Claus in Arkansas.  Four adorable doll quilts arrived this week from NICUnurse of the HGTV Message board.  Thank you so much, as these 4 are beautiful.
The colors are perfect for this time of year too....and love those flying geese. And so will some little girl this Christmas.
   I have completely lost count of doll quilts that arrived from the HGTV group....but it is huge and so very much appreciated.  Thank you all.

And from the pumpkin patch......
  Remy was out selecting the perfect one it seems.  Who knew they had pumpkin patches in Florida?

And before I leave, don't forget the Foto Finish at Cat Patches  ;).  Check out the pix there.

  There is barely a hint of color on the trees here so far.  Instead I am sharing my favorite fall quilt full of scattered leaves, called Autumn's Carpet.  I  gathered various leaves from our yard and my daughter's yard a few years ago.  They became the patterns  for the leaves I appliqued on to this batik quilt.

  Enjoy your weekend...and happy stitching.


  1. Cute little doll quilts.
    I love that Autumn's Carpet. What a beautiful quilt--very clever idea!

  2. Very pretty leaf quilt. I love that you collected them from your yard.
    The dolly quilts from Mrs. C are so cute, and seems that they are expertly sewn, too.

  3. Such sweet little doll quilts! There's going to be some happy little girls this Christmas. Remy found the perfect pumpkin! Beautiful fall quilt.

  4. Very clever "leaves", Debbie. Thanks for sharing on Foto Finish.

  5. Thanks for sharing the new doll quilt pics from NICUnurse. She does beautiful work & 4 little girls will surely be happy to receive these. I'm so glad that the HGTV board members are still sending to you.

    It looks like Remy has picked the perfect pumpkin. Gosh, he sure is growing fast!

    Your Autumn's Carpet quilt is beautiful. At first glance I thought those were real leaves that had fallen on the quilt. Great job!!!

  6. Love the colours in the Autumn Leaves quilt -just gorgeous.

  7. What charming doll quilts! Lots of Mrs. Clauses have been quilting up a storm!

    Love your fall leaves quilt... what a cool idea!

  8. Lovely quilt!

    You guys have such a thing for pumpkins! Here in Australia they are just a common vegetable we pick up - by the piece - all year round! And the skins are generally green or pale orange (depending on the variety) not that lovely golden colour. A local fruit store has those pumpkins imported from America for Halloween, which is not an important date here. They were $25 each last year!

  9. The leaves quilt is wonderful!!! Perfect for the season or all seasons :o)
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  10. Very cute little quilts!

    Love your Leaves foto finish! Autumn's Carpet is gorgeous.

  11. Beautiful quilt, love your interpretation of Barbara's theme this week.

  12. I didn't know we had pumpkin patches here but I'll be keeping my eyes open now. I love the quilt, it looks like you let the leaves fall wherever, then sewed them down. Beautiful.


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