
Monday, October 22, 2012

This and that

      It seems we are all frugal.    Lots of great ideas were shared on using up the trimmings from projects......even if you don't like to dust---who does---a handful of tiny bits of fabric and batting can help rid the TV screen of dust....from Dana at Stormy Days .  Makes it "all the better to see you with"!
    Need to make a small practice sandwich.....from Janet at Rogue Quilter .  Cover the backing with pieces   of batting matching the edges.  Add the front piece, press  and stitch away.  Fast and easy, I like that.
   And you know I save and use it all.  Tote bags, mug rugs, doll quilts, and just about any small project.  I usually join the edges with the largest zig-zag stitch....but I am inspired to try Janet's quick technique for practice pieces.  Thanks.

    It's coming....this week from Amy's Creative Side.   It's the fall edition of the Blogger's Quilt Festival.
Be sure to check out her post and the information on the categories she has set up.  Lots of great prizes again.  Don't miss out.


  1. Thanks for the reminder on the Quilt Festival - and all the tips.

  2. Thanks for the heads up on the Quilt Festival, as usual I've been oblivious.


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