
Thursday, November 8, 2012

One of those days

  When feeling stressed, anxious, worried,  angry, or just plain rotten, my family always knew because it would be cleaning or baking days.  I mean you didn't talk to me or anything, I would be on a frantic mission to have everything sparkle and shine.  And I would cook for hours---day or night---to work off some pressure.  So now, I have matured.......forget the cleaning, and  it is to the kitchen I go when things are pressing me down.  Today has been a baking day.   I can't concentrate to sew at all.   It looks like there may be a job change and move happening quickly  for my daughter.  I will be supportive and helpful, I hope.....but man, I don't even like to think about it.   So I made batches of Chex mix and cookies are next.

Mrs. Claus News.......
   Luckily, I got some great packages in the mail recently.    Dolls quilts from Mrs. Claus in Ohio.  Oops make that 2  different Mrs. Claus and both are from Ohio!
  Mrs. Claus at New 2 Quilting blog  sent this set of 4 adorable quilts.  She used lots of wonky piecing  for the blocks.  But on the back of each she did a pair of elephants!  How cute and creative is that!    Such a super idea for a label.  Thank you, Kathy for helping and being a wonderful Mrs. Claus.

   The next 2 doll quilts arrived from another Mrs. Claus in Ohio, who is a member of the HGTV message board.    And  I see  more elephants in the print in the pink doll quilt.  These are so nice, Shelia, I thank you for helping.    Those quilting angels at the HGTV board are on a roll for 2013 already......can you believe that?  Nicki has a listing set up and states are being taken  already.  What a treasure that group is.  Thank you all.
    Two weeks till Thanksgiving.....already?  I am thankful for quilting angels and Mrs. Claus helpers to lighten the load.  


  1. I pray that the Spirit of God will give you peace and joy in this situation.

    Gorgeous doll quilts, love the elephants on the back!

  2. So hard to have kids moving around. I want them all to stay put nearby. But they don't.
    Party Mix sounds good. Are you freezing it for the holidays?
    Love the elephants!

  3. I didn't like hearing that there may be a quick job change & move in the near future for your dear Deana. I can't imagine what it would be like to not have my DD close by. I am lifting up prayers for you & your sweet husband that this transition (if it happens) will not be too difficult for you both.

    Oh, the little doll quilts are precious. I love seeing them posted here as it always gives me ideas & inspiration.

  4. Oh no, how far away? Better job, I hope. Of course you'll be supportive and helpful, it's what we do as mothers even when we're screaming inside. This morning on the news they said a "less than clean" house keeps us healthy so I'm glad you're baking.

  5. This has to be tough on you both. I trust it will ultimately work out for the best. The doll quilts are lovely.

  6. Just checking up on you, are you still baking?


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