
Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday's bits

   Monday already?  I got bogged down with stuff this morning and  I have free motion class tomorrow.  I got the samples and handouts together, and bundled up the quilts to show.
   If you are a follower and lover of  Exuberant color sure to read the feature article on Wanda at  Quilt Inspiration today.  And they are showing a few of her latest quilts!  She's a huge inspiration to me, so click over and enjoy!
   Over the weekend I got a small start on the guild challenge quilt.....some 9 patch blocks and more leaves cut out and yards of bias stems.  I figure I will have the 9 patches together by the time my big machine comes home so I can start the appliqueing.

    Then yesterday Project Quilting announced the challenge theme for this week.  It's My Favorite Color.  Create a project with white and your favorite color.  In essence a two color project.  So the color pick is easy, blue it shall be.  To the scrap boxes and string bins I run!
     Here's the assortment so far.   Rather than just sticking with the dark blue and white, I want to use a variety of blue shades.  The monochromatic quilt has always been a challenge for me, as I love to use lots of color.  So I am putting a bit of a mountain in my path to stretch my ability to deal with the monochromatic side of this one.
   So next is deciding on a design.  


  1. Thanks for the heads up about the post about Wanda on Quilt Inspiration Today! I love her work and I'm glad she's getting more of the attention she deserves!

    You've got some cool stuff going on too... love the blues and purples!

  2. I, too, have a hard time doing a two color quilt. As pretty as they are, I am always tempted to throw in other colors. I love color!

  3. Sounds like fun challenge. I do so love quilts with white and other colors. Seems you can't go wrong. I look forward to see what you create for it.


  4. Thanks for the heads up about Wanda. As soon as I've finished typing this ill head over there to take a read.

    Best wishes for your class tomorrow and for your blue and white project!

  5. Pretty blocks. I love blue and made a monochrome blue quilt last year. Sleep under it every night.
    Thanks for the heads up about Wanda yesterday.
    Lucky YOU. Beautiful heart mug rug and mug in your latest post!


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