
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Saved by the stash

      With all the purple flying geese we made for the Easy Street mystery quilt, I thought for sure the last color---that lime green---was just going to be an accent color.  So I was going to use red.  Oh, no!   Halt! Stop!  No can do.....all the alarms went off in my head when I downloaded the last 2 clues from Bonnie.  Red would not work after all.
   To the closet....the stash closet.  Close the red drawer.  Pull down the yellow bin.  Dig through the 6 or 7 scrap boxes.  Look  in the stack of  backing fabrics.  Go  though the box of unsorted scraps under the table.  Check high.  Check low.     Now, cut squares.  Cut more squares and then cut into triangles.  Oops, cut a few more squares.

Right now, every piece of yellow fabric that I own  is scattered across the work table or floor....and I am too embarrassed to even take a photo to show the mess.    The corner units are sewn, and most of the setting triangle units are done, and a block is laid out.    Disaster averted....the ship of mystery  did not sink after all.  It was saved by the stash!     What would we do without that stash of fabric?
    So feeling a bit giddy or maybe just light-headed from panic, I went ahead and re-supplied the stash closet with a little fabric shopping.  I mean, I saved a lot because it was on sale, and I did have that extra coupon.   You know, just  in case the fiscal cliff devours all the fabric reserves, or if a blizzard hits, a quilter must be prepared with an adequate stash of lovely cotton to work with.   So the next time  someone asks, "What's in your closet  wallet?", tell them...... fabric!
    This is my project to finish for January, or at least get it to the quilting stage.   Happy stitching on New Years!


  1. Beautiful save, Debbie. Yellow fits very well in the place of the green (or red!).
    Enjoyed the story of your adventure. : )

  2. Ooo, I could almost feel my adrenalin rising as I read your post! I'm so pleased that you found enough stash to do what needed to be done! What you have shown there looks amazing and so pretty! Can't wait to see it all!

  3. "Saved by the stash" is right! So glad you found the yellows you needed... your Easy Street quilt is going to be lovely!

  4. I think red would have looked just as great.

  5. I think red would have worked too, just a darker looking quilt. The yellow is very pretty in there though and doesn't it feel good to be rid of all of the old yellows and have new ones to work with next time? I agree, need to keep that stash stocked!

  6. Lessons learned from you....I need more stash. So many times I look for a particular color & can't find just the right one. I need to hit the sales soon!!! Your Easy Street Mystery Quilt is coming together nicely & all your colors are playing well with each other.

  7. I love yellow so applaud your choice! I've been stocking up on all of the December online sales without one bit of guilt. My local small quilt shops don't carry a lot of blenders/tone on tones so I'd rather buy it on sale before I need it.

  8. I had tried to make 2012 the year of the stash and it was working until... well, a buying spree, after reading this I know that was the right thing, we need our stash. Thanks for enabling me.


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