
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

She's back home!

  I'm so glad to have my machine back home !!!!  How do you spell relief.....s-t-i-t-c-h-i-n-g!!!
An hour in the sewing room, and I feel a great relief because my list of pressing project deadlines  that was piling up.  
  I only had the center section for the Project Quilting done.  A wonky star of blue.  I used the technique of Bonnie Hunter's to make a maverick star.  An easy block and choice since I wanted to only use scrap squares and string pieces.  I had a stack of 3 1/2" squares to use, so the block ends up at 91/2" unfinished.   I added a wonky triangle in each corner just for fun.  Then I got stuck.  I needed more that just a single block.  so it sat since Monday.

   Today I got inspired......strips of blue were added to create a braid effect on opposite sides.  Yes, this is going to work.  There is nothing like Chasing Away the Blues.  ;)  
After the holidays, I caved in and asked for an iPhone ...since they were practically giving them away.  Time to enter the new century.  Or almost, as I did not get the latest version, but it works for me.  I actually used it over the weekend when Bonnie Hunter had her "quilt-cam" on Sunday.  I was sewing on the 9 patch blocks while keeping an eye and ear tuned to what she was doing and sharing.  Bonnie mentioned an "app" she used while traveling called Waze.  It is a real time GPS  app and it re-routed her while traveling to avoid a traffic jam due to an accident on the interstate.  I think it could come in handy when we hit the road for Michigan this spring.

   So, here's my question.  Does anyone use or know about any good quilting type or related apps for the iPhone    I have added the app for Jo-Ann's for the coupons, but wondered what else I might be able to use.    I think a quilt shop locator would be good to have.    Or maybe one  with a database to list projects or photos and fabrics/notions  needed for each.     There are so many out there, but reviews of them are not always the greatest.  Which ones are function-able and not junk?  Which have you used?  Do you really use them?   Thanks for any input.
Happy stitching.


  1. So far I have used no app for quilting except Errands which is my to do list!

    Mary/Mollie at Making Scrap Quilts has a list of her favourite apps here

    Hope that helps!

  2. Your wonky blue star is really neat looking. I know if you study it long enough you will come up with something really cool to make with it. I'm the wrong person to ask about iPhone apps, etc. My little cell phone is sooo behind the times that I can't even take pictures with it. Neither me nor my DH are "electronic" people so we have the most simple of simple gadgets.

  3. I haven't looked for a quilting app, but we have used Waze. Just be sure to have a car charger, because it uses up your battery lickety split. I hadn't thought of looking for a quilting app, but I think I will now.

  4. Here's a list I looked at when I got my ipad, there are a few free ones, so try them first and get a feel for what you like. The quilt shop locator is in this list too. Have fun.

  5. I know you must be extremely thankful to have your machine back at home!!!!

  6. I just started using this Robert Kaufman quilting calculator. It's very handy- used to quickly calculate how many binding strips I needed the other day. Have fun with the iPhone (I LOVE mine!) and happy sewing now that your machine is back!

  7. No iPhone here... I'm still resisting but not sure how long I can hold out. I still think it would be too much of a temptation and I'd end up playing with it all the time...



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