
Saturday, January 26, 2013

The "app" made me do it!

    After the comments about apps for the iPhone.....I went looking at the suggested sites.  I wasn't too inspired by the fabric or project database ones I found.  I wanted organization and reminders, and not a design app.  I discovered that I could just add extra pages for what I wanted in the "Reminder" app on the phone.
   I began a project page to list the things I have going on.  By clicking the arrow next to each item, I can enter details and progress.  I can list what I need to purchase, due dates, and even set priorities.   All right this will work!
   I did decide to try the Quiltingcalc app from Kauffman fabrics suggested by Deb at Simple Life Quilts.   I know I can do math, but this little app has a lot going for it.   I went to Marietta's Quilt Shop to pick up some background fabric for my project for the Heart Blog Hop coming up in Feb.  Before I left, I took a quick photo with the phone of the design and double checked the pattern for what I needed.  Good thing I did, as I need 2 fabrics for the background.  I listed that on the project reminder.

iPhone Screenshot 2   At the shop, I found my fabric and was just browsing.  Oh, there were some really pretty red ones.  Out came the phone and I looked at the pattern, and decided I could use more than 3 reds in the center.  Matter of fact, I better think about binding  since I was making the pattern larger.  On Quiltingcalc app I enter the size I expected to end up with and  hit calculate.    Looks like I need an extra 3/8 yard of fabric for binding.  Guess what, I came home with...... an extra 1/2 yard of  a couple of red fabrics.  Remember to build that stash.    Oh boy, I now have an extra excuse when I come home with extra feel good fabrics!   Do you think I'm in trouble or just enabled?


  My day for the blog hop is the 15th......but believe me I need the time to finish what I have planned.  This one will be sweet and colorful, and the one in progress is hot!

Happy stitching.  


  1. All of this app talk goes right over my head. I have a dumb phone. : )

  2. I'm glad you like the app Debbie! I use the camera on my iPhone to take quick pics of so many things like stitch settings on my machine display, the selvage if I need to remember the fabric line, the box of the light bulb that fits in a certain lamp... it's always next to me so it's handy (I still try to keep a small paper notebook there too as I'm terrible at jotting down important notes on the back of whatever is nearby!). Keep having fun!

  3. Sounds like you found what you needed -- apps and fabrics! I use Errands to organise myself.

  4. WOW you have really taken to the Iphone apps like a real pro already. I'm really interested in your travel duffle bag project as I've thougth of making one for the gals in the office for Christmas one of these years. I can't wait for you to get that one started. I see a project for your sweet husband in the additional room to the house for those extra feel good fabrics! :)

  5. Just looking at your list of projects made me feel a little frenzied, I'm glad the phone is keeping you organized. I use my phone like Deb does, if someone asks my what I use for something, I just snap a pic and text it to them. My daughter loves that since then she has her phone at the store and has a picture to find what she's looking for.


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