
Friday, February 8, 2013

Project Quilting week 3

  It's  time for week 3 of Project Quilting.  Our theme is Annie's Vision.  Annie Young is a blind artist who has a vibrant style that  depicts her feelings and senses.   Oh boy!  If  I was to create just from my senses this week it would be a huge hodgepodge of pieces.    I'm feeling pulled in multiple directions with  the tax man looking over my shoulder!  So coming up with a focus was my challenge this week.      I flipped through my sketchbook  and ran across a Pasque flower drawn after our trip to Alaska in 2009.

    I began with a 9 inch square for the background for the flower.   The pieces were fused down.  Then before I did the machine applique I placed some batting scraps behind the block.  Once all the edges were stitched down, I trimmed away the extra batting from around the stitching.  Trapunto effect!

I finished this off with an offset design of batiks for the borders.   I did not measure these pieces..... just cut  and stitch, trim and re-sew....until I was satisfied with the result. 


 I focused on the  memory of my mother-in-law  telling  about finding strength in these tiny flowers as I worked. Pasque flowers  are very delicate in appearance and have fuzzy stems.  The petals are thin and highly veined.    She referred to them as crocuses  and said they would poke right up through the snow in late winter in Alaska.    I imagine that finding  a few spots of vibrant color in the snow after a long winter was a real treasure and bright spot.   

       The Pasque..... finished size is 12 " by 20 ".  

  Linking to Project Quilting at Persimon Dreams  .

Happy stitching.



  1. Oh how pretty - and a lovely story to inspire the piece!

  2. Debbie, I absolutely love this! You have a very artistic eye, and it really shines in this gorgeous little hanging.

  3. Oh my this is just gorgeous~! Those fabrics are perfection.

  4. This piece is quite lovely! The design, colours, and quilting really bring out the beauty of the flower.

  5. Beautiful! I thought it was a hellebore. We have heard that they are called Christmas or Lenten roses but, of course, here in the southern hemisphere they flower mid-year!

  6. That is beautiful! Of course I have questions LOL, After you cut away the batting behind the flower, did you add a layer or is there no batting behind the background. I like the way you did that, it seems easy for the effect.


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