
Monday, February 18, 2013

Traveling duffle bag

    First, wow, the Hugs and Kisses Blog Hop was awesome.  A lot of very nice/kind comments were left and I really appreciate the love.  If you missed out, click over to the Pinterest page to view all the entries for some loving inspiration.

 I shared a photo of my beginning of the Travel duffle bag on this post.    I'm still working on it.
  This is the end pocket.  It is zippered and has double pleats for fullness of bulky items.  I've  had this travel type fabric in the stash for a while and thought it was a good choice of the theme.  Anyway, the pocket is made separately and then stitched to the end piece, which eventually gets sewn to the bag's body.  I made a couple of changes to how the zipper was attached to the pocket and bag.  Instead of sewing the zipper directly to the pocket, I used a 2 " strip of fabric folded in half , and sewed the folded edge directly to the zipper.  That gives me a cleaner and easier finished edge to work with.  The raw edges of the strip were sewn to the pocket---between the outer fabric and lining.

This is the body of the bag with the handles and outer front pocket.  Once again, I made a couple of adjustments....with apologies to Cherie.  My straps are 2" rather than 4".....which made my pocket wider.  Oops, I had already cut it out.
  Not a problem really, it gave me a chance to get creative.  I needed an extra inch on each side.  I used a folded strip of the body fabric as a decorative accent and then added more of the pocket fabric to each side.
  Of course, then I needed to clean up the top and bottom.....I just added a strip of double folded fabric and top-stitched it on.
  I had planned on getting the top zipper in over the weekend, but that did not going to happen.  We got notified of a "hack attack"  and every thing has been haywire.  Everything is fine so far, but you know how much is involved in changing numerous accounts and details.   My best advice is to change your passwords regularly,  make them unrelated, and be sure them are hard to figure out.    I need to listen/ remember/ pay attention  to my own words.  It is the world we are living in today.
   I will be back  in a couple of days.  Till then.... happy stitching.  


  1. Bag is looking great! So sorry about the hack attack!

  2. Great looking bag, Debbie. Sorry about your hassle with the hack!

  3. Oh no, be careful and watch your accounts. They got me twice with different accounts, once just before Christmas and once just after, what a pain in the butt.

  4. That's a very cute bag. Love your fabrics.

  5. Your duffle bag is coming along so nicely. I haven't been on the computer much this past week or two so I almost missed this post. YIKES!!! I'm sure considering one of these & then maybe Christmas gift in the future.

    I sooo need to change my passwords also before the hackers get to my computer. Thanks for the warning.

  6. The bag looks interesting -- can't wait to see how it works out. Thanks for the warning re computer vigilance.


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