
Monday, March 4, 2013

Walking In Sunshine

Walking in Sunshine
  When this mystery quilt from Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville started at the end of last year,  I knew better than to expect it to be an easy stroll down Easy Street.   I am so gullible!  It was not hard.  It was time consuming.  There was that unexpected twist in the color selection that almost threw me into a panic.
 And it was that change in color that really puts the spark into this quilt and gave me its name, Walking in Sunshine.
   I also learned I need to count and then recount those individual units.  I ended up with over a dozen extra flying geese units!  I could not let them go to they filled in the border.

I only made about one fourth the number of blocks.....and ended up with a throw quilt that is 50" by 70".   I never counted the number of pieces per block....I would run out of toes and fingers I know.

  Sir Old Man helped me drag this one around looking for shady spots for the photos.  With no leaves on the trees, that is almost impossible to find.  Finally we went to the wooded area and  I think this is my favorite with the bit of sun in the background.

 Then as we headed back to the house, guess what I saw.....the perfect yellow blooms to match the quilt.

   The quilting.....I used a large stipple over the pieced area.  Nothing was going to show anyway.  I saved the thread and effort for the purple border area.  Oh, and I used 2 different purple fabrics for the outer border....I did not have enough of either one for the whole thing.

  The border of dark purple got the feather quilting.  One sided feathery quilting I should say.  I used chalk and drew the basic "line" for the feather to follow.   I stitched  5 plumes on one side and the switched to the other side of the curve.

 This walk on easy street is done, and yes, it feels so good! challenge is posted for Project Quilting, so no rest this week.  It will be a small project for me as I am into the appliqueing on the ugly challenge quilt.  Also,  I had several questions in email  over the weekend, so I will be answering them this week.  Happy stitching.


  1. Your colors are just gorgeous (as usual). Congrats on a beautiful finish. I love you you did the borders.

  2. Oh, Congrats on your BIG WINS at Sew Cal Gals site too!

  3. OM Goodness, I love that! The colors are wonderful and the whole thing just makes me smile. The half feathers look perfect, you did such a great job!

  4. of all of the variety of this quilt that I have seen on blogs yours is my favorite. the right shades of yellow, the right blues, and a soothing look to the quilt.

  5. It's so very pretty! And your photo shoot is great, too! I finished my Easy Street top, but I think it's going to remain just a top for a while. I wish I had gone with Bonnie's colors, but true to form, I went my own silly way. Oh, well!

  6. Beautiful. I have to admit, that I ended up with a lot of extra pieces too. Guess neither of us can count very well!

  7. I wish I liked my easy street colors as much as I like yours! It has a beautiful glow to it, Debbie. The geese in the border are perfect and your quilting is beautiful--as always!

  8. It is beautiful - I would have done it smaller, too. I love how you pieced the border, lovely movement. Oh, congrats on the huge win!

  9. Perfect name! I just love the yellow in your Easy Street and your border treatment is wonderful. Love this quilt!

  10. That's a beautiful quilt & I love the flying geese in the border. I need to take a color class because I always love what others do with colors & when I try to select colors they never play well together. Your feathers are terrific.

  11. Love it! Love it! Love it! Love the colours, love the quilting, love the design!

  12. Wonderful quilt. Very well named. I love the yellow and all your color choices and the fact that you made a throw quilt with a custom border. I had printed these instructions intending to sew with the group, but had too many projects going to actually start the quilt. Then I put it aside for "someday." After looking at your quilt, I am thinking that I want to pull this out and make my own version of this pattern. I found you through bloglovin and am a new follower. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat


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