
Monday, April 1, 2013

Finishes and April focus

  The big finish for March was the Easy Street mystery quilt.  My version is called Walking in Sunshine and I raved about it here.    It is a bit ironic that I am showing it again on April 1....because my darling girl was born today and Sir Old Man always calls her his Sunshine.  So happy birthday, Deana....we love you.
   I stayed on track for March and worked on or completed what I had listed.  Of course it helps that I am doing finishes in stages over 2 or 3 months, or making small things.  That is what I figured out works for me.  I like multiple projects going on, but I detest true UFOs.  If it sits too long, a project usually turns into a no-do.  So by taking small  steps to the finish, I will  get it done.

 The guild challenge quilt is still in progress, even though I put it aside for a week or so.  The applique is done and the first border is on and that was my plan for March.  Yesterday, I began some piecing for the rest of the borders.  And that's my focus for April on this one---get the top completed and ready to quilt.

  Here's the focus  list for April:
   Guild challenge quilt---finish the borders and pin for quilting.
   Quilt the scrap quilt made from 5" squares.
   Make more blocks for the floral blended coins quilt. Another dozen done.....about 80 more to do.
   NewFO for April is the batik quilt for our bed....begin cutting and do a test block.  (What you expect me to list more?)
    Strings----I have been obsessed lately with string quilts.  I even set up a String Quilt board on Pinterest.  So I know I'll be doing something soon.
    Buy fabric....for the 2 baby quilts to be for Maria.  This is on hold until we know boy/girl for sure.
  And lastly......put the push on for the long arm table top machine.  I'm teaching 2 more classes, so that's the down payment!
Linking with Lynne for the 2013 Year the Finished Project.
   Enough for fabric to play with. Happy stitching.


  1. A great month! I like working the smaller projects and in bits of steps, too - I think it more productive and enjoyable - and keeps you fresh.

  2. Oh, I especially like the last two items on your April "to do" list--buying fabric and getting your new machine! Go for it, Debbie. I have NO regrets (and a purchase like that is not something I do lightly, believe me!).

  3. Happy Birthday Deana.

    Your April list looks doable! Have fun!

  4. What! I'm so excited about your new machine, are you still doing research or do you know what you want? Share please. I'm always obsessed with string quilts they can be so addicting.

  5. All your projects turned out nicely. Congratulations on having such a succesful March. Good luck with all your April goals.

  6. Great work for March!!! I need to make a baby quilt too....once I know if its a boy or girl :) Your April list looks very doable so good luck!

  7. Beautiful work - Walking in Sunshine is so lively and lovely (and fabulous quilting of course) and the guild challenge is gorgeous - love your color and pattern choices!


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