
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The first cut

   Why is the first cut always the hardest?   All that lovely fabric just waiting for the rotary cutter.....and I was so hesitant to take the first slice.   Be brave and do it, so I did.
   At the top of the photo are  the  large
10 " squares of background fabric and squares of the batiks and Stonehenge fabrics, along with extra strips.  Below is the first test block to check for size and measurements.  Well, actually, it is 1/4 of the full block.

   So what the pattern?     Sir Old Man saw the buzz saw quilt on Wanda's blog--Exuberant Color--- one morning and really liked the pattern.  I'm not sure if it was the name or the pattern that appealed to him, but that is what he wanted.   So I agreed....anything to convince him I need that free motion machine soon.


 The technique is not hard and just takes a little planning.  It is  the Scrappy Mountains method  that Bonnie Hunter does.     Plus an additional strip added to one side to make a square block.    You get great looking points with no match sewing, and  I love that.
    So, I officially started a NewFO this month.   And I will be at it for a while as this one is to be large.  I will have to find a couple of small projects to throw in this month, just to keep things interesting.   But I did get a bonus....a nice pile of strings to add to my collection, and plenty of extra fabric for a Pineapple Blossom throw that I want.

   Insight:   The more  quilts and projects you make, the more scraps and strings you create.    I'm sure this is obvious to most of us, but the reality hit me after today's cutting session.   Now to create something with them.
   All this complaining about Spring being I think summer arrived as it is 83 degrees outside!   Sounds like a good reason to stay inside and sew.  Happy stitching.  


  1. Looking good - a little mix is good for keeping things interesting and fresh.

  2. Love these fabrics. I have a very hard time making that first cut, too.

    Thanks for then link to Exuberant Color, too. I have used this scrappy mountain method before for blocks and borders but have never thought to add the strip and make a buzzsaw block. Thanks for the idea! Looking forward to seeing more of this quilt in the making ... :) Pat

  3. Great new project! Not much sewing going on here this month since we have company, but I'm getting lots of inspiration watching your posts.

  4. I love this pattern too. I just made my first Delectable Mountains block not too long ago and I want to make more. :) Now I want to do one like yours too. :)

  5. How did you arrive at cutting a 10" block? What size are you subcutting? :) Am I going to play twenty questions today? LOL Maybe :D

  6. Love the fabrics and you are right, that first cut is the hardest.

    It is cold here in San antonio

  7. To me the first cut is hard for two reasons--what if I misread directions and I am cutting it wrong? And if I love the fabric, cutting it up means I may not have it much longer. : )
    This is going to be beautiful, Debbie. Love the batiks.

  8. I have a hard start getting started cutting too! Measure twice, check directions, measure twice, cut. That seems to be about my speed. I love Stonehenge with those batiks... very pretty!

  9. Looks complicated to me but I'm sure it's not too bad! My head cold makes even the easiest task seem difficult!

    Measure twice, cut one -- my dad, my FIL and my WM all said it -- it applies as much to quilting as it does to woodwork or metalwork!

  10. Sorry I'm so late on commenting on this. I thought I had but I guess my comment got lost in cyberspace. I love, love, love your colors. It's going to be beauiful & I can't wait to see the completed quilt.

  11. I love these! I haven't done any yet, but I've read about them and I love yours! I'm with you, that first cut is the hardest.


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