
Friday, June 7, 2013

It's a Tiara Quilting Machine

    OK, I got the was late and time for dinner yesterday when I put out the tease from my iphone----did you know you could do that with the Blogger App?  Anyway, all the boxes arrived a day earlier than expected and it was late in the day when we got the Tiara set up.   It's a sit-down quilting machine.  It is not on a track system.....I still move the fabric.

   Sir Old Man was in his element putting the extra pieces on.....the touch pad screen, and installing the open toe hopping foot.  He "let" me change the needle.....necessary, and fairly easy to do.  The table is already put together....just extend the legs and it is ready to go.   I also got the overlay that covers the table is slicker for ease of moving the quilt top.  

    She comes with a separate bobbin winder......class M large ones.  I figured that out, too.  A correctly wound bobbin is described as very important for good stitches.  I fully expected to have to play around with the tension---top or bottom---when I did the first test run.  That's why I was so amazed.....the stitches were so beautiful, right out of the box with no adjustment needed.  
    So this morning I threw together a little quilt---it will be for Phoebe, the Jack Russell, and it matches Deana's sewing room.  This practice piece is about 30 " by 36".    I just practiced some swirls in the gray areas.  I checked the stitch counter....about 21000 stitches!   I switched over to Isacord thread for this one with no problems and no adjustments!    
 I do not have the "claustrophobia" feeling when using it, and that is a good thing. .  There is good space (I will add side tables for support for large quilts).  The head of the machine is in the back and  I am stitching from the opposite end.  The threading pattern is just a bit different but not a problem;  it will just take getting use to it.  A little learning curve to get use to not having a needle threader :(   I think I will survive.  
 As a side note.....the Tiara is sold by Babylock..... it is the same machine as the Handi-quilter Sweet 16.  

   We need to move this table out of the sewing room and shift the another one around for some temporary cutting space.  Sir Old Man is feeling the pressure to get the cutting/storage table finished!  
So.... thank you my friends, (you know who you are),  who were encouraging and helpful with information about the machine.  I so appreciate it!  Now, if you will excuse me, I have a quilt that is calling me for stitches.  I will come out later, after I play a while.  Happy stitching.  


  1. Congratulations on your new machine!!! Enjoy.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  2. Congradulations on the new Tirra. My two friends Marjorie and Connie just bought one about a month ago. They are really enjoying it. I am just learning machine quilting on my sewing machine. I have the extra long arm and so far it is working well. Have fun with your new machine.

  3. Congratulations! It sounds like you are having fun already! Enjoy! ~Jeanne

  4. You were already so good at FMQ that you are a natural with your new machine! Isn't it fun?!? : )

  5. It sounds like you are really having some fun and are really pleased with your new toy! Congratulations! I'm a little jealous because I don't have room for one even if I knew how to do free motion quilting. Have a good time with that quilt that called you away!

  6. Oooooh SWEEET! I am making a note this machine---I would love a sit-down quilting machine. Oh you sound like you are going to have so much fun...Quilt on, girlfriend. :D

  7. Well Phoebe is going to feel really special getting the first quilt from your new machine. It sure is a nice looking machine. I've never heard of it so I better go do a little research & see what all it can do. Congratulations & Happy Quilting!

  8. YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!! Congratulations Debbie, glad that you took the plunge and purchased the machine. You will love it!.

  9. How wonderful - it sounds like an awesome machine! blessings, marlene

  10. You are so going to enjoy this machine!

  11. I'm sitting here with a huge smile on my face, I'm so happy for you.

  12. How exciting! It looks like a dream machine and I can't wait to see all the things you will be creating.

  13. Congratulations! I am very jealous. I was amazed at what you created before, I can't imagine how much you will get done now. Does it come with the stitch regulator or is that an additional option?

  14. That looks a lot like the Sweet 16 that I tried recently at the Home Quilters Show. Next year at this time is my projected time to buy. You're really making me antsy to get one! I'm really very happy for you!


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