
Monday, July 22, 2013


When my mind is cluttered,  I catch myself talking out loud.  Not to anyone....just to verbalize what I am trying to figure out.     It drives Sir Old Man crazy and he tries to answer or participate in the conversation.  So this post is to de-clutter my is really blocking my creative instinct.

   String geese.....some things work and some things don't.  I  added the background to a few those I had made.  Once I got them onto the design wall, I realized I did not want to make a large quilt this way.  I like them....but all those different sizes mean a lot of fussy piecing to make them fit together.   It is not something I want to spend time doing.   I have been looking at them for a couple of days.... I think I will play around with what I have completed, and maybe do a runner and some place mats, or just a small quilt.  .
   Insight:  Admit it when you don't like a project.   Don't let it  be a UFO.  Turn it into something small and useful.

  I needed to feel like I was making headway on projects, so I turned to some quilting.    Nothing like hands on fabric and going fast to make you feel better.  I  used the "Jester Hat" quilting motif from Wendy at Ivory Spring on the string quilt that was ready to go.    She taught this during our 2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge....and I finally got the hang of doing it all over, edge to edge style.
   Insight:  See practice is good!

Maybe  a NewFO.......I still have a lot of strips....but then who doesn't?  What I need  to start is  an on-going/ kitchen sink/waste nothing project.  A project I am not compelled to finish in a season, but that can grow a lot or a little and still be something.  The best place to look for an idea was at Quiltville.

   My choice is the Scrappy Trip Around the World.  From my 2 1/2" bin, I pulled  strips that were long enough  for 6 blocks.   I will tackle the unsorted box for more long  strips later.  These blocks are 12 1/2" a couple of dozen could make a small lap quilt.

Insight:  Don't be compelled to finish this in a month.  Let it grow.  

   OK, now that I got all this out,  I feel so much better.   I think I am ready to move on and find that creative mojo.
 Happy stitching.  


  1. I also talk out loud. Verbalizing does work to unclutter my mind. My husband shakes his head and walks away,lol. I liked your post. You gave me incentive to shake up my UFO`s a bit. Thanks!

  2. This is too funny - my SIL talks while she is sewing, thinking thru steps to prevent mistakes. I get confused whether it is her pramble or if she is actually talking to me. But it all works out and we can laugh at it. Love your insights - very inspiring.

  3. This is a great Monday post! I have a hard time keeping my focus and my mind can run in loops sometimes... for years I have read at bedtime because I need to lie awake and think too much. Sometimes it just takes a few pages to "turn off" my mind and then I sleep well.

    When I get overwhelmed/stressed I sit down and make lists. Even if I don't use them, it helps to calm my mind - seeing tasks on paper or my iPad/iPhone must allow me to let it go!

    I really need to take your 1st insight to heart! Mug rugs, pillows or table toppers are all useful and best of all - DONE.

  4. I talk out loud to myself, but mostly while baking.
    Good insight on projects we don't care for.
    I haven't quilted Jester Hats since the little doll quilt I sent you last year. Yours is looking great. I don't know if I could still do it.
    I started Scrappy Trips in January and only have 12 blocks finished. Obviously I do not feel compelled. *LOL*

  5. Love all of your "insight" comments! And we do make pretty good listening companions for ourselves don't we!

  6. I love your stringy geese. It would be a bear to make a whole quilt that way though. Good thing you nipped that early.

  7. I was going through Quiltville patterns last night and found a few that got me thinking. I'd love to hear the conversation with you talking to yourself and Sir Old Man trying to join in, it must be hilarious.

  8. Love your geese and your insights.Happy sewing!


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