
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

NewFO in July

  Whew!  For some reason July has seemed like a long month to me....all the rainy days, and I think I'm ready to start a new month!  I can't believe I am saying that, since August is the really hot one, but that only means cooler weather will be here soon.

 July NewFO:     I started the string pieced geese last month.  Sorry to say I lost interest in them.    I turned part of them into 2 place mats.  Maybe the remaining ones will end up in something.  But these 2 are fine by me and just need to get quilted and finished.    Remember it is okay to give yourself permission to change your mind, alter the plans, and do something different.  Otherwise, give it away!  

  So the Scrappy Trip Around the World became my for real New FO for July.  The pattern is from Bonnie Hunter.  Five blocks done  and a few more strip sets sewn.  I am working on these at night as I feel like it.   I was really surprised how quickly they go together.  So far I have just thrown things in with no thought as to placement....except for the dark value running on the diagonal.  For right now anything goes.  Later I may play around with the value placement and see what happens.  

Confession Time:
   When I was re-arranging the sewing room for the new machine and cutting table, I uncovered a real UFO.  A forgotten project that was started last year sometime before I broke my shoulder.  I don't even remember exactly what I had in mind with it, as it was only a partial piece....a watercolor project.    I plan on adding to this one and coming up with a finished piece.

   So that means NewFOs are on the horizon for August.
I have a plan for that.....2 baby quilts and bibs made from the leftovers!    Maria is expecting twins in early October and finally let us know it is boys on the way.  I decided on a modern style chevron / zig zag pattern.  I got the large blocks cut and ready to pair and stitch.  Then this morning I saw the cutest bibs---scrappy bibs---on Pinterest.  So I tracked down a pattern to use.  I don't plan on using batting in the bibs, just a bit of top stitching to hold all in place.  

      Plans for August:

  •   Finish the 2 place mats.....those stringy geese.
  •   Add to the watercolor and get a vision for it.
  •   Get the baby quilts pieced and make 2 bibs.  An almost finish would be good here!
  •   Continue making Scrappy TAW blocks.
  • Buzz Saw quilt.....get those borders on!

Linking to Cat Patches for the July NewFO linky.    By the way,  Mrs. CatPatches put out a strong hint about something special coming up on's about covering outbuildings.  I am fairly certain I know what it is, I am very interested, and thought about not even mentioning/sharing/letting anyone else know.........but here I go opening up my mouth.  Be sure to check it out.
  Happy stitching.


  1. I would get tired of the string geese too - but turning them into a small finish is good rather than shelf them. Love your water colours so look forward to this. Very cute bibs and matching with a quilt will be nice gifts.

  2. I love your string geese but I can see how you got tired of making them - I just did some string triangles. If I hadn't been at a retreat with not much else left to do, I wouldn't have finished them. I've thought about doing the Scrappy Trip Around the World - your blocks are wonderful and give me motivation! And you're making me think that I have a watercolor quilt tucked away somewhere - another UFO! Love all of your ideas! ~Jeanne

  3. Yes, it's definitely okay to change your mind. How funny. To date, haven't forgotten a project, but there's always a first time for everything.

  4. That watercolor find has some great potential. I will be interested to see what you do with it--it is already beautiful.
    Great Scrappy Trips quilt. I have 12 blocks of the one I started in January. I need to make another few soon!
    Very cute bib idea--what a fun gift with a matching quilt!

  5. Hi, Debbie. I really like flying geese but to keep them lined up usually defeats me! That watercolor piece has lots of potential. And I liked your quilts in the previous blog. Interesting how you say that fabrics become "dated". I have a bunch of those and find them useful. I think they just want you to buy more fabric by creating fabrics that have to be "in style".
    best, nadia

  6. Watercolor - colorwash - did you purchase one of the kits from Wanda? I see a great many fabrics that appeared in mine . . . Happy pondering!

  7. Flying geese are not my favorite thing to piece... I think I need to tackle a project one day with a lot of them just to get over my intimidation. Those scrappy bibs look fun!

  8. I love the placemats you have made from the flying geese. Flying geese are really one of many favorites of mine & I don't mind making them at all. That watercolor project is going to turn out beautifully...I can feel it! ;) Mamma & babies are going to love the quilt & bibs.

  9. Looks like you are getting things done. Your quilts are beautiful!

  10. I like your confession, it makes me feel better, I do that all the time then wonder what I had in mind. You have a good excuse though and that watercolor is gorgeous. I hope you're rain has stopped, most of ours has.

  11. After sewing nearly 200 HST's last week I totally understand about your flying geese. But they sure are pretty! And that scrappy trip around the world reminds me of a 1930-40s quilt I recently saw at an estate sale. They're wonderful!

  12. I like the scrappy flying geece as well as the Scrappy Trip Around the World. I love most all of Bonnie Hunter's creations! I also have thought about doing a watercolor project and have added it to my list of things to do.

  13. Love your trip around the world blocks and the flying geese mats are very cute.


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