
Sunday, November 29, 2020

Seasons changing


  The last of the autumn leaves and the first Christmas wreath to go up on the day after Thanksgiving.  That's a good mix.

  The shed turned out very nice after Sir Old Man finished up the painting and trim repair.  I have a request in for a barn quilt sign to hang on the left hand side of the window.  With a birthday and Christmas coming up fast, I hope he can get it made for me. :)

Our weather for the last month has been full of wet and rainy days, and multiple low pressure systems, so my time in the sewing room has been short. 


  Instead of cutting or piecing, I used up some squares already cut for a new watercolor design.  A transitional design maybe that is in direct opposite values. 

   I normally could pull this project together in a few days.....ha!  Over the course of a month, I have it to the just sewn and pressed stage.   Such is life now....slower, much slower.      I am hoping to get this and the spool top prepared for quilting soon....very soon.   

  The Easy Breezy blocks are languishing in a project box.  So I may need to work a bit on them as well as the hourglass blocks.   


I attempted a collage project after an on line class.  It looks good here.....but those tiny pieces are just fused and there is probably no way to really secure them by machine.   Finishing this one as a fused project, not sewn, just for a test is probably the path I will take.  If I have a wall hanging, I want to be able to wash it at some point.  But I picked up some tips and pointers, so I count it as good.  Collage is fun, but probably too tiny and fussy for me to do much with it.  

  And that has pretty much been my month!  Facing December which starts the round of labs and doctors  Until later, happy stitching.


  1. A barn quilt will look great on your shed - the color is the perfect background. I love your new watercolor design. Hoping for better tomorrows. ~Jeanne

  2. Oh, I love the colorwash, it is grand. I am not a fan of fusible collage- reminds me of paper and when it is quilted, it is stiff and not fabric like. Can always learn something new though.

  3. A barn quilt will be the perfect finish! Hope the labs and dr visits aren't too bad. Might be nice to have them behind you before the holidays?

  4. I've done a couple of collage classes as well, but it's for the sake of trying NEW and not something I would do a lot of.A barn quilt block would be perfect on your pretty little shed. I think a lot of us have slowed down. Cyber hugs

  5. I just watched the latest episode of The Quilt Show yesterday and it was about collage quilting. I am thinking that I will give it a try for a wall quilt.
    Yours does look good. You could cover it with tulle and quilt it with invisible thread.

  6. Lovely colourwash to be. Beautiful cardinal too.

    We had a barn built in the summer - it looks like it needs a little something on the outside. I'm loving the blue shed too - perfect with a block to finish.

  7. Your latest watercolor is mesmerizing. I find myself staring at the picture.

  8. You did a great job with the cardinal, but I know what you mean about working with tiny fusible pieces. I love Laura Heine's collage quilts, but would never attempt one. Wishing you good luck with the doc visits this month. I've not been very productive since March. I just can't get motivated.

  9. May the new month bring you relief from the pain. And good luck with the doctor appointments. Around here they are canceling all elective surgeries and routine lab tests again. I expect my appt with the retina specialist will fall in that category. Good luck with the fused cardinal, hope all those little bits will remain stuck to their background fabric. So pretty, would be nice in a frame under glass to help keep the bits in place.

  10. What if you framed it with non-glare glass over it? That way it wouldn't have to be washed. It is beautiful!

  11. Mr. Cardinal is very handsome! I hope he whispers into Sir Old Man's ear about your barn quilt wishes :)

  12. Love your shed & I agree, a barn quilt sign would be perfect for the outside space next to the window. Well, if I know Sir Old Man like I think I do, your wishes will probably come true. :)
    Of course I've fallen in love with the watercolor design.
    Your cardinal is so pretty. I've never tried collage & not sure if I ever will but I sure love seeing what others do with it. I think it's just the tiny pieces that scare me away.
    Praying for good results with the labs & doctor visits in December. A co-worker used to tell me to think of seashells & ponies when I got stressed. Not sure about the seashell & ponies but I'd say whatever relaxes you...dwell on it before the visits. Hugs to you, my friend!

  13. is it just the cardinal that's tiny pieces? the way I cope with that, and I do a lot of not even fused tiny pieces collage, is to stitch like crazy over the whole thing. Do not try to go around each piece, just a feathery stitching over the bird for instance. It will hold it down and if it lifts a little during a wash, then you have lovely texture for a wall piece. LeeAnna

  14. You have the perfect spot for a barn quilt sign and I love the colour of the newly painted shed. I'm liking your new design with the colourwash, very effective indeed. Beautiful collage piece, as you say, they can be fiddly even when they're a fused piece with all the cutting the small feet fine branches.

  15. The shed looks very good, and sports the wreath well. I agree that it is the perfect home for a barn quilt.
    Your layout for your watercolor quilt is quite pleasing to the eye--lovely!
    The cardinal looks good to me. I have never done anything like that. Do you have a friend who is adept at machine applique? Sorry I can't offer that skill, because I don't possess it. :(

  16. Have fun with the collage piece. Hope the doctors visit all go well.

  17. So sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. I so much enjoyed reading her blogs
    and seeing what she created. May you be comforted by your beautiful memories.


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