
Thursday, July 5, 2012

FMQ in tiles

  This month's Free Motion Quilting Challenge   by  Angela Walters is great.  It produces a very different effect for background quilting, giving the look of overlapping tiles.  Each tile has a filled with  stitching.   I did two different ones, swirls and stacked teardrops.  Why limit yourself to one when 2 or more will do.
   You begin in one corner creating a tile and filling it in, and then move to the side and repeat.  I did draw my lines as I got to a new section to box in.  And you need to think about where you are stitching, so that you can end up back at the beginning.  I learned that on the second tile when I ended up in the wrong spot.  Oh, well, that is what practice is for.  I just picked another spot and tried again.

 In the center I used what I call stacked teardrops.  A single teardrop shape or paisley is the basis and then you simply do a larger one around the first back to where you began.  If needed I add a third one to fill in or travel to another area.

   This technique creates instant texture and looks wonderful on tonal type fabrics.  I like the
"old world "   feeling that the overlapping tiles give.
  My practice piece is about 9" by 12".....when trimmed and bound, it is going to be a great snack mat.
  Many thanks to Angela for a great lesson.
Happy stitching.   


  1. Wow! Very nice... very nice indeed!

    I like the overlapping tiles too... and the stacked teardrops and swirls are perfect!

  2. Wow!! This is a first ! It would be interesting to make this. Maybe I will try it on a table top.
    Good work Debbie.

  3. Very, very nice! I love the effect of two different fillers!! Bravo!

  4. Ooh, your quilting is gorgeous! I love your swirls and stacked teardrops! You know, I have trouble with these kinds of patterns even when I'm trying to doodle them with paper and pencil. It's hard for me to look at a finished piece of quilting and figure out where the quilter started, and follow the line of stitching to understand how the quilting was sequenced. I think I might need to print some photos of lovely quilting like yours and trace the stitching lines, you know, to get some muscle memory. Or to learn by osmosis. Whatever works!

  5. That looks wonderful, I was going to do swirls on mine but I like your teardrops, mind if I borrow? I'm actually looking forward to doing this one, if I ever get my machine fixed.

  6. Your quilting looks beautiful! I have this lesson and want to make sure I do it. I'm also glad to hear you woke the other day with no pain!

  7. Debbie, you never, ever cease to amaze me with your talent. I love what you did with the FM challenge this month & the tiles. That's such a unique way of FM quilting. If SewCalGal has another challenge next year, you might consider contacting her as one of her experts to teach a month.

    It's good to hear that your PT is paying off. Independence Day was a perfect day to wake up with no pain!

  8. Beautiful stitching Debbie, glad to see you stitching more again. Keep up the stretches and range of motion exercies. Hope to see you soon!

  9. Looks very nice, Debbie. You are so on-the-ball with this challenge.
    Hope you keep improving, physically!

  10. Great job on the challenge. I'm just printing out the instructions and will try it on my next quilt :)

  11. This looks great. I think you got the hang of it. I like it.

  12. Well done on your tiles. Looks really good.


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