
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The watercolor braid

  I got back to joining the braid rows, finally.  All 6 braid runs are  together.  You can see the sides still need to be trimmed and squared with the top and bottom.  And the border added to stabilize all those bias edges.
   Bias stretches...always.  Each row is bias joined to bias in this braid.  That is why I only cut when I am ready to sew...right then.  Even so, you make have some places that don't match too well.   The other braid quilt (and the French Braid too) that I made  had a separator strip sewn between each run.   So I wasn't sewing bias to bias.  

   But luckily, these are busy prints and  make for good camouflage!  Note the bottom triangles where the dark row joins the light row.....way off.  Yet the rest of the row was almost perfect.
  Technique Tip:
   This area matched well too.   I did not pin  right at the edge, but rather about an inch in from where I would sew.  I was more concerned with the center points of each run staying level and even  across the quilt I also pinned in the center matching those center points.  
     That was all the sewing done today.  It is Day 81....much more progress is being made in PT.  I notice more range of motion to the side and I can raise the arm (with right hand assistance) almost 90 degrees.  So there is improvement and hope.....and more to come.
  Happy stitching.


  1. Oh, how lovely.... the braids are looking very, very nice! WTG! ^5

    I'm glad to hear your range of motion continues to improve... may the improvement continue til you are back to 100%!

  2. Very Pretty , I wonder how one would look with Black or burgany strips in between each braid ,I might try one someday.
    Glad you are improving health wise .

  3. They are beautiful just like they are and need no strips between the braids.

  4. It is looking good! My friend sews the border on first and then trims the edge so there isn't as much stretch to work with.

  5. I've always wanted to try a braid quilt. Too bad I won't be doing it in watercolor style, when I finally do make one. It is beautiful, and it blurs the line a little so the parts that don't match aren't so obvious.

  6. The quilt is stunning. It sounds like your pt is really beginning to kick in.

  7. Your watercolour braid quilt is going to be beautiful! So gentle and soothing to the eye. It just flows. Glad to hear your PT is working.

  8. The braid quilt is so very, very pretty. I must not have an eye for detail because I cannot see what is way off where the dark row joins the light row. When I grow up I want to make watercolor quilts like you.

    I'm so happy with the PT results. It sounds like progress is very good.


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