
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Follow up on 60 degree triangles

   Two rows of 60 degree triangles put together, and the ends chopped off.  That means  the edges are bias! 
   This technique is not for the faint of heart.  It reminds me a lot of paper a seam and trim, then repeat.   I was using a regular ruler and lining the sewn seam up on the 60 degree line for trimming.  If I did this again, I would purchase the 60 degree triangle.
  You need a lot of triangle units because you join small ones together to create larger ones.   The tutorial that Kim did gave several ways to make different triangle units to get a varied look.   Some of my points got very tiny from the adding and trimming.  And then others got chopped off completely.   I got a little lazy and threw  in a long filler strip in a couple of spots. 
   After 2 more afternoons of sewing, I came up with enough units to put together a small wall hanging banner.   I did a "cop out" on the upper right hand corner and used long strips to finish off with the white more triangle  units. 
   Once I had it trimmed up, I added a 1 1/2" strip --cut on the straight of grain---all the way around to stabilize the bias edges.
   Did I get the look of the Olympic banners?  Yes, I think so.  The effect using the technique is very similar.
   Will I do this again?   No, probably not, well maybe..  I could select fabrics and colors, but not really control where they ended up.  That was a little frustrating for me.    Making the units was fine, but joining and chopping them off seemed wasteful to me.  Maybe I should have just tried the 1000 pyramids............
   But on the is done.  I tried a new technique, and got this out of my system.  Maybe later on, I will try this again as a way to use up lots of scraps for a lap quilt.  It does have possibilities.      


  1. A successful experiment, I'd say! It looks lovely in my favourite colour!

  2. It really does have the look of the banner but I have to agree about the method. I read her tutorial too and may still try it but I know I wouldn't stick with it for long. I loved her quilt though. I really think the long filler strips added something to it rather than looking like a cop out.

  3. Love the purples... and the triangles look great! Thanks for sharing your experience with making this... I'll know not to try this one! I'll just enjoy yours...


  4. Very pretty, I hate waste so I would have been turned off - Kuddos to you in sticking with it and such a lovely finish.

  5. I can't even wrap my brain around this one. : )
    It is beautiful--especially because it is purple--but I know it won't be on my design wall.
    Congrats for seeing it through.

  6. I agree Debbie, don't think I will be doing this technique. But I love the outcome of your experiment.

  7. Thanks, Dear Friend, for taking the bullet for us, here. I'm just not that precise, and would not even try it. I did some triangles, but I cheated and used paper piecing. Lots easier!
    Thanks, too, for your kind comments on my Chrissy, and other kinds of good luck. Seems I have a streak going - TYJ!

  8. Love your fabrics and your triangles look fantastic!1

  9. Well, I went over and looked at Kim's tutorial and all I can say is,more power to you, I wouldn't even have made the attempt. It's not a "cop out" if you got creative and "made it your own". I do that all the time when I'm bored, frustrated or on the verge of ripping it into pieces.


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