
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mrs. Claus news

     We are just into July and the doll quilts have been arriving since February and I have been notified of more on the way.  The stack is at 130 right now and if I add more it will topple over!   But that is a great/wonderful/fabulous problem to face, right?
   The word of the project is spreading in part because of  Mrs. Techie Claus---aka Dana at Stormy Days ---and the blog buttons she created for us.  It is so neat to be reading a blog and see them in the side bar.   Thanks again, Dana.
    Today I ran across a blog entry about Mrs. Claus at  Quilting with a marmalade cat .  I love Sharon's idea that said
 "Another thought...if your town has a Christmas gift program for needy children, maybe they could use these little doll quilts to add to their packages.  That way you would be helping local girls but without the postage costs.  "
   That is exactly what the Get Your Mrs. Claus On project is all about.....find a need and fill it.  Thank you, Sharon, for spreading the word.  

  I have been fretting and pondering on how to photograph and show all of the quilts for 2012.    My photo skills are average, and  space and layout present a dilemma.   And guess what?   Need filled by a professional photographer!   Sir Old Man has been working at church with the Production Team and  talked to Jesse, our video-cinematographer ----big word as he just does it all---lights, camera, action, and he takes photos too!!!   So he  has volunteered to do a photo shoot of the quilts.  I am so excited by his ideas!  
  Insight:   You don't have to do it all by yourself.   Remember that.
Happy stitching.


  1. This is wonderful!! Can't wait to see all these mini quilts.

  2. I agree... this is wonderful! You and a lot of quilters will be making a lot of little girls very happy come Christmas!

  3. Wow, Debbie, how did you even know I posted about you? I Think your (and your hubby's group) project is wonderful. Never thought of doing something like that before, although I do make Quilts for Kids.
    Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I hope you get lots of responders for Mrs Claus' Project.

  4. Love the pic of the little stack of quilts. Quilters are awesome.

  5. You're very welcome, it was fun. I actually came across the Rudolph button on pinterest, kind of surprised me.
    I like the thought of people spreading the idea around, I don't think you're going to have a shortage of little quilts, so what a nice idea to spread it locally, you've started a ripple.

  6. Quite a pile! Are you still collecting both the cradle and doll bed sizes?

  7. It is so neat to see how this has evolved!

  8. A professional photo shoot? How wonderful!


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