
Thursday, July 19, 2012

This and that...

   Two new doll quilts arrived from  Shelia at Sew cook and travel.  She is a  Mrs. Claus in North Carolina!  These two cuties are so bright and colorful the stripe  binding....and will make 2 little girls quite happy.  Thank you.

  Shoulder update:  Drum Roll......please.  Day 90--- The doctor pronounced the fractures healed enough on Tuesday to be released!  Guess that is good since I went ahead and started driving again.....impatient me.    PT was yesterday, and during the arm manipulations the therapist broke loose one spot that had been so tight and painful.  Yes, it hurt but was so worth it as today the swelling in the arm is noticeably less.   I have 6 more weeks of  PT and then I am on my own.  It has been a very long journey.

   So today was clean up the sewing room day.  I am at a lost on beginning a new "big"  project.....I have several to quilt first.   Anyway, I uncovered a couple of snack mats in need of quilting.   Good size to begin getting back in the groove with.   Mark them done.
 From trash to treasure....... Then there was the pile of short end of strings of floral fabric.  I hate to throw any fabric string piecing was the day's stitching.  I ended up with 6 mug rug size pieces.  I got them pressed, and ready to be squared up to finish off.   

  Wanda at exuberantcolor is putting together fabrics in kit form for 3 different color wash quilts.   You know they will be fabulous  because she is doing the selection.  I'm going for the bright color wash kit.  Any one want to sew along?    
     Happy stitching.  


  1. Thank you for your sweet comments about the little doll blankets and for giving me the opportunity to help. They were so much fun to sew! I found out about your blog through Sharon Vrooman's blog, because she has your button on the side of her blog. Last year Sharon gifted me the fabrics I used to make these bright, colorful doll quilts in "Pay It Forward". I had fun playing with those fabrics and soon some little girls will have fun playing with the little quilts.
    By the way, so happy to hear you are healing nicely.

  2. Such fun doll quilts!
    I don't think I've ever seen a log cabin block made of batiks before (I know, I live a sheltered life). I really like it--and the quilting is nice, too.

  3. Yeah - Hi Sheila! Yes, it is good news that you are doing so much better, but do take it slowly. One of our students just finished a King Batik log cabin and we delivered it to the longarmer - she didn't feel she could muscle that thru her machine and I didn't want to attempt it.

  4. Sheila's doll quilts are so cute. They are so bright & colorful. Two little girls will love getting these quilts to cover their dolls up with.

    Your mug rugs & snack mats are so pretty. I'm glad you are able to get some of those smaller projects finished.

    What great news about being released from the Dr.'s care on your shoulder. It sounds like you've been a good patient. Those Physical Therapists can do wonders on painful stiff areas of the body. It's amazing to me how much PT helps & heals.

  5. That's wonderful news about your shoulder.

    Wanda's kits look lovely and I noticed you were the first to comment (and claim one).

  6. Congratulations on your doctors release, you've been improving so much those six weeks of PT should be a cakewalk :). Easy for me to say.

  7. What wonderful news! So glad to hear that you're at the end of your "back to normal" journey! I know it's been a long road....

  8. Good to hear your shoulder is better, and you are back to quilting.

  9. All such wonderful news! YES I want to sew along! Not much longer for me! The doll quilts are beautiful; the mug rug pieces have my fingers just itching...I miss fabric!!! LOL


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