
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Slick tip

     We did errands this morning and I asked Sir Old Man to stop at the $ store.  I needed a couple of sponges.....?
For a test / trial run / experiment.  Instead of a laboratory---which was my haunt for years---I went to the sewing room---my favorite place for this testing.  Results were what exactly was I doing?
     Fanny, a long arm quilter friend, shared a slick tip with me this week. Instead of wearing gloves when free motion quilting, use 2 kitchen sponges to move the quilt.  Then you don't have to keep removing and putting back on the gloves.  Just use the sponges to grip and guide the fabric.  
  I was a little skeptical, as a I have been a big promoter of wearing gloves for free motion quilting.   But  I figured I could give it a try.  I first did a couple of mug rugs  to get back in the swing of FMQ.  The sponges worked great to grab the small rug and move it around.

So, on to a larger project, the purple banner.  I began in the center and started doing swirls and curls.  Amazing....I found I was not applying as much pressure to move the fabric sandwich and I still had control.  One caution----pay attention to where your safety pins are because you can't feel them or see them through the sponges!  No, I did not have an accident with one, but got a little close in one place.   
 It was easy to stop and  clip a thread  or remove a pin...just let go of the sponge, no glove to remove.   Also the edges were very easy to quilt with the sponge gripping the fabric.  So I can attest to the ease of use on small projects for sure.    So, big thank you and hug to Fanny for sharing her tip.   Now, everyone run out to the dollar store for a new quilting tool!  Happy stitching.  


  1. Wow! Who would have thought? Thanks for sharing...can't wait to try it ! :)

  2. Amazing--I have been doing a lot of FMQ lately, so I will have to give this a try. I have been using the gloves and like them, but this does look easy. : ) Thanks for passing along this tip.

  3. Wowzer! What a great tip you have shared with us. I will have to try that. I need all the help I can get when it comes to FM. Your mug rug is beautiful with that handsome cardinal & your purple banner is coming along nicely. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Now this is something I have to try - thanks for sharing!

  5. Ooo, ooo, ooo! Cool tip! Will definitely pick up some sponges if I don't have extras on hand! Thanks for sharing!!!

  6. What a great tip - thanks for sharing. I don't usually take my gloves off - it never even occurred to me to do so! Mind you, I have only been trying on practice 14" squares.

  7. Of course two days ago I finally broke down and bought gloves, oh well I can probably use them in the garden. I really like the sponge idea.

  8. Great tip Debbie. This should also help with the shoulder movement. Happy quilting!

  9. I'll have to give that a try. I love the gloves except for having to take them off all the time and trying to get thread off them.

  10. I am always looking for any tip that will make manipulating fabric during fmq easier on the body. I intend to give this one a try. Thanks for sharing.


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