
Friday, July 27, 2012

Mystery game

    A spark of an idea  came from  the comments  about my new project to sew during the Olympics.   I was referred to as a tease and being sneaky......I love it!   So, a mystery for you to figure out as I progress. I will add a clue or photo as I go along.  Figure out what pattern I am making, leave a comment.   The first comment to correctly identify the  published pattern will win. I am  putting this mug rug into the prize pile for now, and will add to it as we go along.  
A few sections to test the pattern instructions.....once again I am sewing angles.  The instructions don't really give a good instruction about matching the strips to the cut angle piece, so I am glad I tried a few before doing a whole block. 
So the lesson learned here:  sew the strips and then trim before attempting to add the next section.  

   Opening ceremonies are tonight.....machine set up, pieces ready, flag up......Go USA!!!!
Happy stitching.


  1. I have no idea what you're up to but will follow along and see if I can figure it out... looks like a fun pattern!

  2. Yes, you ARE a tease, but what fun!!!! I do love games ;-) I hope to get set up in my dining room and get some good cutting or quilting done during tonight's Olympics.

  3. I've got lots of Jane Stickle blocks prepped and ready for handwork starting tonight...and I still don't have the beginning of a clue as to what you are up to! How fun!


I enjoy comments and will reply if your email is linked! Otherwise, use my email in side bar for answers!