
Thursday, July 26, 2012

What is she doing now?

     I have been prepping for a new project.  I  ran across a post recently that was about this project.  It reminded me that I had set the pattern aside for  the future.
    Today is that future time.  The Olympics begin  this weekend, and I wanted something to sew on in the evening while watching.   I decided to spend some time getting this cut and organized for sewing.
   So instead of spouting off and running on about my design, hold on to your hats.......
#1, I will be following the pattern given---mostly.  I am using various scraps instead of yardage. I may tweak the layout a bit.
#2, it is not my usual colorful mess.   
#3, it is not wall hanging size, but lap size.  
#4, it will have some applique.  
   That is all I will say for now.    Let the games begin.  Till then I will catch up on Dallas and Lizard Lick Towing shows that I have recorded!  Happy stitching.


  1. You are smart to get a project going so you have something to do while watching the Olympics...

  2. #1, I will be following the pattern given---mostly.


    A woman after my own heart! Love it!

  3. Can't wait to see what you're working on!

  4. Now this is a mystery. Not only will we have to follow the olympics for the next 2 weeks but we will have to follow your new project. Since we don't know what it's going to be it's sort of like a mystery quilt that we watch as it progresses. You are so sneaky!!!

  5. I would never have put that picture together with you, can't wait to see what you're up to.

  6. What a tease! I hope to spend a little time today getting some appliqué prepped for working on during the games.

  7. I think iwas a little silly to schedule my online course at the same time as the Olympics but God is probably more concerned about my spirit than the number of gold medals The Australian team brings home! After all, his streets are paved with gold!

    I look forward to seeing what you're up to!


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