
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Quilter's Pie

High heat calls for a cool, creamy dessert.....
Mocha Cheese Pie, I'm calling this one  Quilter's Pie.
    1 graham cracker crumb crust---ready made makes it easy
    8 ounces of cream cheese---softened
    3/4 C powdered sugar
    1 Tablespoon instant coffee plus 1 1/2  Tablespoon of hot water
    1/2 jar of chocolate sauce (or ice cream topping, I used Hot Fudge Sauce)---calls for 1 C in recipe
    2 Cups of Cool Whip---whipped cream is better, but more calories
Cream  the cream cheese in bowl with mixer until smooth and fluffy.  Add powdered sugar and mix till blended.
Combine the instant coffee and hot water. Leave it out if you don't like coffee and use vanilla instead.  Add to the chocolate sauce.  Mix till smooth.
 Add 1/2 of  chocolate mixture to the cream cheese and blend.
Add Cool whip and blend.
Place about one half of mixture into the crust.
 Pour the remaining chocolate mixture over the bottom layer of cream cheese mixture.  Then top with the remaining portion of the cream cheese mixture.
 I added some shaved Hersey's candy bar to the top.  Refrigerate till set.    Excellent!

Tip:   Another type of Quilter's Pie----the math kind, the confusing kind, the don't mess with my brain kind.  I should have learned this in high school, or college, but it never made sense until a few years ago.  I think that's because I had a reason to apply the principle when quilting and remember it.  So, here's a quick tip to help when you are planning a quilt layout with blocks set on point.  I thought it was good enough to share.
 From an article by Robin Strobel that I received from Martingale Publishing.  

".......there are a couple numbers of which I am fond.   My favorite number is 1.414.
That’s because 1.414 is the number they never told me about in that long-ago and best-forgotten geometry class. ...... I’ve since discovered that 1.414 is a quilter’s magic number.   It is how you know the width of a block if you set it on point.   It is how you know the size to cut setting triangles for on-point quilt patterns.   It is how much longer the diagonal of a square is than the sides.
  You can also use the magic of 1.414 to find out how to calculate setting triangles for your on-point blocks.   (Yes, there is a setting-triangles formula!)   Quilters usually make corner-setting triangles from half-square triangles, and side-setting triangles from quarter-square triangles. (This keeps the fabric’s straight of grain on the outside edges of the quilt and makes it less likely the edges will stretch and ripple.)   As always, make all your calculations using the finished measurements and then go back and add the seam allowances.   This is because the amount you add for seam allowances depends on the shape you are cutting.   Add 1/2″ for squares and rectangles, 7/8″ for a square from which you cut two half-square triangles,  and 1 1/4″ for a square from which you cut four quarter-square triangles."

    Deana  came up with a very neat knitting  project bag design.  I think it would be a great quilter accessory bag too.   I love the way she put the zipper on the outside for the pocket.  Too cute.  

  More mystery game hints or clues tomorrow.
Happy stitching.


  1. Lol! I think I just gained eight pounds reading this post.

  2. That pie looks delicious. Since I'm not a coffee fan, I wonder if I could leave out the coffee & it just be a yummy chocolate pie.

    I love the way Deana put in that zipper. That's got to be the easiest zipper installation ever. She is so clever...must get that from her mom. ;)

  3. The weather is unseasonably warm here too - we should be in the coldest part of winter but we've bee having spring-like weather for a few weeks now. The wind was cold today so perhaps a change is on its way.


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