
Monday, July 30, 2012

Here's a block and a hint

   Today completely got away from me.  Everything took  longer or I am just slower.  Anyway, I promised another peek and a hint at my project.
   So here's a block.....the rest are sewn just not pressed.
   I will say that this is not a beginner project...more advance because of the angles.  Those angles can give you fits, but luckily there is some  leeway when it is time to set them together.  I think I will need it when the blocks are trimmed up!

     It is not a traditional pattern, so you will need to connect the threads of hints I have given to find the pattern.  You know the color palette,  and now you see one of the blocks.  
    I'm throwing in a pin cushion ---filled with stuffing and crushed walnut shells for a little weight--- to the prize for the correct guess.
    Happy stitching.


  1. Gosh, I wish I could be the first to guess what you are making. I must not be picking up on the hints because I don't have a clue. It sure is looking good & I'm loving those prizes.

  2. Debbie,
    I'm taking a wild guess here because I haven't seen any of the hints, is this going to be a winter tree in the woods wallhanging? Love the black, gray and silver in the blocks.

    1. You are so close...except not a wall hanging, a lap throw. Go back a couple of posts and remember to think sneaky.

  3. I know I saw this pattern somewhere in blogland, but for the life of me I can't remember where!

  4. I'm going to "steal" Sheila's guess & say that it is some sort of family tree lap quilt with the appliqued pieces as maybe leaves with family info and/or pictures on each one. Do we get more than one guess? If not, then this is my guess.

  5. I have seen this in two places - 'White Birches' in Oct 2010 Quilter's World and Life & Easures: Quilting in Black & White (maybe called 'Snowy Evening' ) same lap quilt

  6. Can't even begin to guess. It's 11.10pm and I'm too tired to think! Looks very interesting though.


I enjoy comments and will reply if your email is linked! Otherwise, use my email in side bar for answers!