
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The correct answer is

    The original pattern was published in 2010 in Quilter's World as White Birches, and recently in a book called Quilting in Black and White.    First correct guess was from  Sharon at Vroomans Quilts.   Congrats to her.  
    I thought the give away hint would be on Saturday and the Foto Finish link to Cat Patches  because Barbara is working on the same project and in her post  she named the pattern!  So, here's a photo of the original pattern I am working from.  Note the cardinals.....that is what drew me in, and I am adding a few more of them.  It just shouted "make me"!    I have all the  blocks together and ready to join the rows.  

      Mrs. Claus News:
    Four more quilts arrived from Selina, Mrs. Claus of NJ.   She sent 2 of each! The colors are so wonderful.  Don't you love those backing fabrics.   Thank you so much.   Drop in and visit her at Selina Quilts.
    Photo shoot day is Friday.....the photo  shoot of the elves went great!

  PT was today.....I began lifting weights, or a weight.  A one pound weight!  I know, I know.... I have a long way to go.  I was so glad to know that I can at least lift more than a piece of paper without help.  Maybe soon  I will be able to lift a bolt of fabric.    Happy stitching.


  1. Love those cardinals on the birch branches... very nice!

    Congratulations to Sharon for guessing your project!

    And congratulations to YOU for the 1# weight! You'll be tossing around bolts o' fabric in no time...


  2. Those little cardinals are so cute!
    And yes...Sharon is a knower of all things quilts LOL....congratulations!

  3. Love Serina's little quilts, she had them on her blog. 1lb seems like a ton when you are starting out - been there. It is like lifting a can of soup, but like lifting the back of a car! Keep strong.

  4. Congratulations to Sharon on guessing your mystery project! You sure finished it deserve a Gold Medal!

    I love the doll quilts. They are so pretty & colorful. The children will be so happy to get them.

    1# weight probably feels like about 5 to you right now but you are making such good progress. I'm glad PT is still helping you.

  5. P.S. Debbie, your lap quilt is beautiful & the cardinals add such a wonderful touch of color & fun it it.

  6. I made that quilt when the book first came out. I just loved it. I haven't got it quilted yet but hope to do it this winter.

  7. I wondered if you knew that Barbara had named the quilt. It's beautiful, the cardinal is just the right touch. 1 pound gets heavy after you've worked with it for a while, you'll be working you're way up in no time and you'll have fabulous arms.

  8. A one pound weight is more than you could lift a month ago so you are making great progress.


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