
Sunday, August 12, 2012

A heart stealer

 I have to say this little guy just stole my heart......Sir Old Man set him at the Featherweight with a quilt under the needle while we were taking photos.  Little pink nose, and ears with a long pink cute.   I think he wants to help Mrs. Claus and the Elves.
  Stay tuned....more photos to come!


  1. OMG that is so sweet! Heart stealer - yes siree

  2. Awwwwww! See, everyone wants to be a part of the effort.

  3. What a precious little helper! Now don't you stitch over his little paws!!

  4. He's so cute & has to put a smile on your face everytime you look at this photo! He's the perfect size to help out with the doll quilt project & can test each quilt to see if they are the right size for him to snuggle under!!


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