
Monday, August 13, 2012

Toy Project and Mrs. Claus

   Enjoy this slideshow of the toy makers from the Greenville Woodworkers Guild,  some of the donated animals and dolls, and of course the doll quilts.  You can probably figure out my favorites by the multiple views.


  1. WOW! Lots of people working on this project. I love the cradle with the butterfly. What a lovely upbeat project!

  2. So fun to see it all! Can't wait to stitch up a few quilts...if you still need any?

  3. Wonderful! I'm in awe of the wooden toys the men are making, true family heirlooms that the children can treasure forever. Good job everyone!

  4. Somehow I missed this post. Fun to see the elves at work!

  5. Wow! This is a wonderful slide show of all the work that has gone on to make this such a special project. Those woodworkers look so happy to be making all those beautiful toys & the artwork on them is so very, very pretty. Thank you Debbie for sharing this with us.


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