
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Catching up

    First, a big thank you to Faye, Mrs. Claus in MI, for sending 2 doll quilts for the Get Your Mrs. Claus On.  She is a member of the HGTV Message Board and wanted these included in the project this year.  So, Faye, thank you----I don't have your email for a personal note, so I hope this is okay.   I love the cheerful colors and know they will make  little girls  very happy.  Thank you, Mrs. Claus!

  It's time to vote on the Pets on Quilts's the post at Lilypad Quilting  with the details on the voting.   To view all the entrants go to this post to see them all.    There are about 150 entries, and Padsworth will be vote counting for a few days!  Take the time to view and vote for your favorites in their category.  Voting goes on thru Sunday.    And Lucy's nose photo is #21----just saying ;D

   Day 111----can you believe it?  I have survived and seeing much progress now.  I can lift the left arm up about 120 degrees.    That is just above my shoulder.  I am working hard to get to 150 degrees before Kati--the shoulder specialist therapist and doctor---returns in 10 days.   I want her to know that old ladies, who whine and cry and give her a hard time,  are really not that bad and do appreciate her patience and efforts.

    And today,  I am pinning.  I have 3 tops to get ready for quilting.   I am sure Deana will be sharing the bricks---or Kleenex box quilt as she calls it---with the furkins.  And that's fine with me.
Hope I have enough pins......
Happy stitching.


  1. Yeah Faye! I love the term'kleenix' bor the boxy pattern - yes, they do look like that. Glad you are progressing, but do be careful.

  2. So glad to hear you are feeling/doing better. Bring on the quilting!

  3. Oh, I love those little doll quilts that Mrs Claus in MI sent to you. They are so pretty & crisp & cheery looking.

    I'm so glad you are making such good progress with the arm. You are a real trooper & I know your Dr. & therapists are really pleased with you. Hang in there & keep up the good work.

  4. Yay for your continued progress and your struggle for improvement. Don't push too hard though!


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