
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Foto Finish--water

  Topic is water this week for the Foto Finish.....well, it has been so hot, so humid  that I am dreaming of the coolness of some refreshing water.

The frozen kind!  This is a shot of the pondless waterfall out back in January of  2010.  The spray from the falls froze over the rocks creating very interesting bubbles and clusters.  And right about now, I would sure enjoy that kind of temperature.  


  1. Beautiful.... and so cool and refreshing too!

  2. Gorgeous picture. May we all enjoy cooler weather soon!

  3. Oh wow. Does that look refreshing!

  4. That photo just makes me cool looking at it. We keep hitting the upper 90's here & I'm ready or some relief. I wish I could find some frozen ponds around here about now.

  5. I'm sweltering down here is South Georgia - this pic makes me want to go and jump in the water!

  6. Hi, Debbie. Amazing photo with the contrast between flowing and frozen water. Very appropriate for this season of unbearable heat. Loved your cardinals. They are such a magical bird to see flitting through the trees and bushes.
    best, nadia

  7. That is so cool! Great picture for a hot day or any day.


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