
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Crafting mode and gold!

    I wanted a the gal gave Bonnie Hunter---click here for the tutorial..  So following the advice of   the Impera Magna , I headed to Bed Bath and Beyond for turkey lacers.
  Sir Old Man had the honor of figuring out how to get the nice loop on the end.  I think he did a very fine job for me.  Then the fun began....playing with beads and glue.  While watching the Olympics last night, I put together different combos that I liked.
   And today I actually used one.  I like that the point is not too pointed---so I don't stab myself.  Remember this gal can be a big klutz!   It proved to be quite helpful feeding the pieces thru for stitching, and later holding down a few tiny pieces for fusing.  I didn't burn /scorch/ overheat my fingers today!

  And what was I fusing?  Cardinals of course.
The stiletto worked great for pulling up the thread for the appliqueing, and for holding down those tiny points that did not quite fuse tightly.  Both are small tasks I usually use my small scissors I can save them for the proper job.
    So in between  the gymnastic events on live feed today ----I finally got it to work!!--- I did all the stitching on the cardinals.  I think this one is quite handsome and he should also be wearing a gold medal!  Yea, Go USA!  I was very proud and happy for the Fab Five and Gabby and Ally.
  I'm donating the extra stilettos to my guild's boutique for sale at the fall show.  I have extra beads, and plan on making a few more when I pick up the lacers......just to share.  Soon.
Happy stitching.    


  1. very pretty, I did the same thing the other day after seeing the tutorial, I love playing with my beads. I haven't used one yet but I know I will soon.

  2. Very nice... very nice indeed! Me likey big time!

    And aren't stilettos so helpful with pressing itsy-bitsy seams and such? No more scorched fingers for me!

  3. I ordered my lacers thru a resteraunt/kitchen supply warehouse and they were already fully turned - and cheaper!

  4. Very sweet! I need to find turkey lacers! :-)

  5. Very pretty, Debbie. And your cardinals are lovely, as well!

  6. Oh those are soooooo pretty. I would have never thought to make those. If I'd have even thought about using a turkey lacer, I would have NEVER thought of dressing it up with beads. Thanks so much for sharing the link.

    Your cardinal is very handsome. He looks so very proud of your great job sitting there on that branch.

  7. great going to make one

  8. Yay! Now I know another little item to shop for at the show!

  9. I haven't seen one minute of the Olympics competition. I did see part of the opening ceremony but I've been too busy for the rest.


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