
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Garden and color

   There's is a slight coolness in the air in the mornings.  Does that mean fall is coming?   And in the garden I found this again.....the writing spider and her web.  She's is huge, and I avoid getting too close, but I love seeing the intricate zig zag of the web.  The rest of the garden is well past its prime.  It is time to cut back and tidy things up.
   After PT this week, I had to pick a small ball to use for therapy, so I stopped at our old-fashioned five and dime store.  When we first moved to this area,  Wilson's was the only place to get craft items, and they were known for their ribbon selection and assortment of odd items.  On a whim I checked there for turkey lacers......and struck gold!   They were the type with curved loops already.    I came home to make a few more stilettos for the guild boutique.
   I am still cutting squares to add to those from Wanda at Exuberant Color . Her stash of fabric is so huge and she was wonderful to kit up some of it for purchase.  I'm glad I got mine as I think she sold out all she put together.  Anyway, both of my trays are full, so  I do think it is time to begin putting them onto the design wall.  I am not sure what will come out of this.  It is all about color.....lots of color.
  I am off to have some fun.  Enjoy your stitching time.


  1. I do so hope we have an early fall this year. Very pretty stilettos. I'm also glad I jumped on the chance to pick up one of Wanda's kits. I am not ready to start on it, but it is a treasure.

  2. I had to look up about the writing spider - very cool! Your trays of 'color' looks like a lot of fun play.

  3. Running into one of those spider webs is like running into a bunch of bungee cords spread across the trees. They make the toughest webs I've ever encountered. Your stilettos are very pretty for your guild boutique. Your squares are beautiful & I knew I should have ordered a kit when you first linked to them. :(

  4. That touch of coolness is usually the first sign, I hope it's true. I'd just like to see the humidity drop a bit, it's like trying to breath through a wet rag in the mornings here.

  5. I've never heard of the writing spider.

    Good news on the stilettos.

    Cant wait to see what you do with your kit from Wanda. Will you be taking us through the process? I love those kinds of posts - seeing how other's minds work.


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