
Friday, August 17, 2012

Sew time and fun time

     My mission was to put together samples and a small project to use for the demo I volunteered to do at our guild quilt show in October.  It sounds like a long way off, but with the way time slips away from me--- or life interferes--- I wanted to have the samples put together.
   I spent about an hour getting fabrics pulled and some of them  cut into strips, then remembered a box of leftovers from another project that could work.  So another  hour sorting through those.  I mean ---why cut big pieces when I can use scraps?
    Ready to start......Then I realized I couldn't find the notes I made about the technique.  So back to the computer to find the you tube video, make my notes,  get it in my head.  Oops, might as well check email....answer those, and print out the insurance mess that came.  Back to the sewing room.  Guess you got the idea....I did not get as much done as I had planned.  So here's a sneak peek......
   The small project is ready to quilt, one block is put together in another arrangement, and a few small units for another block are done.  Enough work for today....I will show it when I get the quilting done.   Think Christmas for the small project....

    On to the fun....color and squares!!!
   If you purchased a kit from Wanda at Exuberant Color, be prepared for a challenge!  And keep the camera is the best tool for me when  evaluating what I am doing.  Right off, I see lots of pieces I need to move.  It is daunting when all that color is staring you down.  Nothing is set in stone--or stitched--until the end.  If  I am not happy with it, pull the squares off, take a break, and try again.   But with a little bit of tweaking, I think I am going to like this.
   A great day in the sewing room.....I'm tired but happy.  Glad I stopped before I over did it.
Happy stitching.  


  1. Time does seem to have a way of slipping by quickly, doesn't it? Especially these days...

    I'm saving Wanda's batik squares to play with another day... I have a feeling that I will become obsessed with getting the squares arranged...


  2. You've described a normal day for me lately. I like the flying geese trees, I have something like that floating around in my mine so I'm looking forward to the project.

  3. Your colorwash is looks lovely so far.
    I've had a good time with my kit from Wanda. Used my camera, too!!

  4. I use my camera for layouts too - usually to catch those 'oops' pieced blocks. Everything looks like such fun.

  5. That colorwash is looking great. Thank goodness for cameras, I've caught a few "oops" with mine!

  6. I seem to have a lot of false starts on my projects too. Maybe it's something in the air? I'm looking forward to see how your colorwash evolves.

  7. Oh, the fun begins! I use a reducing glass too for instant decisions on value changes. The camera really helps but the naked eye is the final judge!

  8. Your colorwash is shaping up nicely. I bought the batik one. It is humbling me. LOL As you say, it's not finished until it is sewn together, but I sure have rearranged it a LOT!

  9. Your demo for the guild is looking good. I have to get my thoughts together & figure out what to make the office gals this year for Christmas.

    Your kit from Wanda at Exuberant Color is looking really good. I can't wait to see it in it's final state as you have such a gift with placements of colorwash pieces.

  10. Looking good! Love seeing WIPS like that!


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