
Saturday, September 1, 2012

A couple of things....

    I have added extra information on the Tutorial to design Water Color page  about using interfacing as a base.  I think I managed to confuse some of you.  At the bottom of the page I added details about fusing and sewing the seams with a few photos.  The photos show the gridded interfacing, but the technique is the same using plain interfacing.    Interfacing is interfacing.  
 Just trying to find my original post when I discussed this is a nightmare, so I just added it on the design page.  Which leads me to realize just how much information I have put out, and exactly how disorganized it is.  I really need to do a better job of labeling my posts, and setting up a tutorial page.  Guess I will be laboring over Labor Day on this.  Have a great weekend everyone.

 Here's the link for the  Weekly themed contest at the Quilting Gallery.  I don't have anything entered this week, but Cheryl  at Quilts and Art does.  So, yes, I am soliciting votes for her neat piece of art done on rusted fabric.  A few other blogger buddies have pieces entered, so check it out and vote for your favorites.           


  1. Oh Deb something cookoo happened to your blog... the second paragraph is in 1 letter per line... Can't read it.
    And another odd thing is there is geek gibberish across the top line. This is not a trouble, but it was there yesterday, too, if that helps you to figure out what it is.
    Hope this makes it easier for you to fix.

  2. Debbie ,I could understand what you was trying to do with the interfacing tutorial,I have never tried it yet but sounds like it would be so much easier and neater.
    What Terri said above I do not see what she mentioned, so it could be another problem some where else .
    And thank you so much for posting about the voting!

  3. Thank you! I guess I need pictures but now I get it. The clipping the intersections was where I was hung up, that's all the cutting you do? just one little snip right at the intersection? I hope I have it right this time.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks for the link to the Weekly Theme Contest. I voted for Cheryl's beautiful piece.

    I went to your tutorial on using interfacing as the base for the watercolor quilts & that has helped me a lot. I would not have known to clip through the stitching at the intersections & would have been afraid to do so if you hadn't said it was o.k. Thanks for this new technique for making lots of small squares easy to sew together.

    P.S. I deleted my first post because I had more to comment on. ;)


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