
Monday, September 3, 2012

Side tracked again

     I'm putting away laundry, and see the trash can is overflowing.  I put down the clothes and go out to empty the trash can, when I see there are smudges all over the glass door.  I put down the trash can and go get the window cleaner to clean the door.  Ugh, there are spider webs in the corner.  I need the broom now, and while sweeping the phone rings.....  You know the rest of the story.  At the end of the afternoon, the laundry is where I left it, the trashcan is outside along with the glass cleaner and broom.    How easily  I get sidetracked and wonder why things are half done!
    Instead of finishing a project, I began a new one.  Of course I am sure no one ever does this but me.  I still have the demo for the one seam flying geese for the quilt show on my brain---and I haven't put in my entry forms yet either.  I need to add that to my list----if I could find it and where are my glasses anyway?   But back to my story........Why not make a quick fall wall hanging and use a few of them?

   But first, I need a couple more blocks.  I had printed off this cute apple applique from Barb at Bejeweled quilts to try.  No time like the present.  I left off a couple of the leaves to make it fit the size I needed.    I think this is just too cute.  Thanks Barb for sharing.
     A few flying geese mixed with the apples and pumpkins and I "improv- pieced"  together a fall wall hanging.  I think just one more band  around the whole thing, and I will call it  ready to quilt.   I used 2 1/2" squares for the flying geese and just filled in with extra strips for the length.    Lots of dense quilting should really make the appliques  and dimensional geese pop.
     I also got side tracked and figured out how to get Picasa to reduce the pixel size for photos.  Connie at Freemotion quilting by the River  mentioned checking your usage and storage on the Picasa web albums.  Whoa...I have used a lot.  So I needed to figure out how to reduce the size to come in under the wire.  I tried this morning and figured out that if I load photos to a general  folder first ---I called mine "original photo", then I could crop and edit.  Once I was happy with them, then I exported  the photos--multiples can be selected with the control key---to a monthly folder.  When exporting I selected the resize option to 640.  I did not like the watermark option the program offered for export, so I am sticking to my typed version.
    Today....I will focus on completing something, just one task, before I begin another.  Wish me luck.  Happy stitching.


  1. What a pretty fall quilt. No, you are not alone in the distractions - I have had half starts yesterday and today. Maybe it's the changing seasons?

  2. Gorgeous... and oh so tempting!

    ...and I don't know anything about "distractions...

    *wide-eyed, innocent look*

  3. Your apple turned out fabulous and that wall hanging looks fantastic!!!

  4. Adult ADD is what I have diagnosed myself with. Just so I have an excuse. I know all to well what you are talking about. You are not alone:) Love your Fall wall hanging!

  5. You are describing my life! : )
    Very clever and lovely fall wall quilt! What a wonder you are!

  6. Love the wall hanging.
    Yes. Been there, done that ;)

  7. Sounds like my DD! I'm too single minded and unobservant to be distracted by household chores! I am, however, easily distracted by new projects hence my rule "no new projects may be started until old projects are completed"

  8. That's a typical day for me until I wander into the sewing room and think I'll just finish this block. I do try not to start a new project until I've finished the current one, it's too hard to go back.

  9. LOL This is my on a daily basis! And always the reason I don't get into my sewing room! Now, when the cold days hit, that takes about half of my distractions out of the equation. :o) Yet one more reason to love fall! Love the wall hanging and how you added in the geese! Can't wait to see it finished! Was just looking at some of our vacation pics--the Colorado aspens in the landscapes are reminding me of you/your style. Could really see them in the batik fabrics or in the watercolor style, etc. I'll be posting them soon (gotta get that copyright stuff figured out first!).

  10. Sounds like a typical day for me too and of course starting a new project....ah...that is always such fun to do! Your applique is beautiful and I'm glad you figured out how to resize your photos. I like your watermark the way it is too!

  11. Don't feel badly about the ADD. We all do that! I always have to trace my steps to find my glasses... readers... I leave them everywhere but where I need them.
    Love your wall hanging! Good colors!


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