
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Update on colorful strings

   A few more blocks added to the string collection.  A comment from Janet at Rogue Quilter    on these blocks gave me a working name for this quilt......Faceted Jewels.   I think it's a perfect fit.... thank you, Janet.
   I have the rest of the planned blocks marked with the colors.    I think the strings have been multiplying again and I am sure I will need to make this one bigger.  Since the blocks go together quickly, that's not a bad thing after all.
  So this is my NewFO for the September linky Party  at  Cat Patches.
   And a finish....well, almost finished.  The sleeve needs to be tacked down.  Here's a quick look at the trees and cardinals quilt.  It is not named yet....but the quilting turned out really great on this.  I love the texture it created.  i will be getting some more photos to share.  Till then, happy quilting.


  1. I love the colors in your string project. I'm making that white trees project too! I still have a long way to go on mine.

  2. Happy to be of help with the name. I love the quilt--it is so rich and has such depth!
    This black and white with the cardinals is very bold, graphically. Looks like a stark wooded area in winter with the birds standing out against the white, and the quilting adds the illusion of swirling snow. Very cool!

  3. I want to make some of those blocks. I love this quilt.

  4. The treee branchs with the cardinals I have made but have not quilted it yet. I wasn't sure what to put on it for quilting but I really like how you did yours. Thanks. Now I know what to do. Its beautiful..

  5. Faceted Jewels is a perfect name for the quilt. I love all of the rich color.

  6. I love the colours in your string quilt.I also really like the trees and bird quilt.

  7. The colors in the string quilt are so rich and beautiful, that is the perfect name. I've been waiting to see the tree quilt, it's so simple and beautiful. It looks like a winter morning to me, the splashes of colors from the birds is just perfect.


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