
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Winter View

   When I first saw this pattern in a magazine several years ago, I was struck by the  strong graphic effect of the trees against the white.  It is not my usual style of quilt, but the cardinals were the deciding element for me.    I claimed the cardinal as my symbol of hope a few years ago, and  put one on every quilt I make.

  Originally I had planned to add some applique in the outer border.  I thought twigs and berries.  But when I laid the first part of the applique on the quilt,  I quickly changed my thought.  I felt the applique only drew attention away and changed the graphic effect.   Instead I added a couple more cardinals to the branches.

  The actual construction was simple was getting the tree branch angles sections lined up that drove me crazy at first.  I had to trim down a couple of them, making the branch section a tiny bit narrower than intended.  I just added a narrow filler strip of white on the ends to get the correct width for the row.  And you would never have known, would you.

   And swirls----swirling snow, wintery winds---soften the stark white background.  Some swirls for free motion quilting that is not too dense, yet creates movement and texture.   Actually, the white background is a mix of several white on white fabrics.  I finally used up my stash of those and had to finish off with solid white.

   In 2010, we had a huge snow storm.  The bright red cardinals are always so stunning to see perched on the branches of our wild cherry tree.    So I am calling this quilt, A Winter View.

       And that's the saga of my  tree quilt.   I heard from several of you who are planning or working on this one.   So before the snow flies and the cold winds blow, get going!  I look forward to seeing them.

Update note:   This pattern is from 2009, I believe.  It is available in a newly released book called Quilting in Black and White 

   I am finishing up a slight detour from the strings....yet it includes a few strings too.  I needed a little table topper for the season change.
Happy stitching.


  1. It is a beauty, Debbie! I love the photo that shows the real cardinal in the tree, too. Could you print that to use on your label?

  2. Very pretty and I love the cardinals, too.

  3. I love the style and colours in this quilt. You were right not to add anything to distract from the simplicity of the pattern. Love the cardinals!

  4. Love it. The cardinal has a special place I. My heart. Thet escorted my Dad when he passed! Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is such a beautiful quilt. Thank you for sharing your process with us!

  6. Oh! This one is beautiful! I remember seeing it in a magazine, but probably didn't save it. Your version looks great and the quilting is just right. It won't be too long until you have cardinals in snowy trees too (even if that only happens once or twice a winter).

  7. What a beautiful quilt and I remember seeing this pattern.......hmmmm...might have the magazine! It has always been on my bucket list, your is just wonderful!

  8. Cardinals nest in my bushes every spring. I love them. And it is so fun to see the parents teach the baby what to eat once it has fledged. Where can I find this pattern? I would love to make one of these too!!


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