
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The final string....

    It's been slow going for the last few days.  Sir Old Man unfortunately shared  his cold with me........:(    Our first real cold weather and I am down with a real cold.  I promise not to share my sneezes and coughs with you.
     I used whatever was in the leftover bag of binding pieces I have stashed under the table.  The obvious choice was to use black, but I only found two short pieces of black in the bag.  This is suppose to be stash busting, so I used whatever I found that worked with the colors of the blocks.


  For the quilting......straight stitching right down the center of black strips.  It served to anchor each block so I could play with various stitches in each different block.    I changed thread color too, for each block!   A good medium meandering stitch turned out to be the best fill stitch in the main blocks.    With so many different fabrics in each block, nothing much is going to show.

 On the half blocks along the sides, I used straight line quilting and it looks the very best.  

  Faceted  Jewels....full of color and vibrancy. 
    I will add a word of caution to those of you are doing a string quilt for the first time....this thing is heavy!  I forgot how much extra weight would come from all those seam allowances as well as the foundation fabric.   Just plan accordingly.   The size of this one is 56" by 72".
     Time for more hot tea.  Avoid the tricks, enjoy the treats and happy stitching.  


  1. Love it, Deb!! Thanks for the warning on weight. I will keep that in mind when I finally get around to this one, which I must--eventually! : )

  2. Very pretty! Never thought about the extra weight....good point ! Thanks.

  3. Beautiful! Feels like you could reach out and touch the facets. Reminds me of a kaleidoscope. Hope your cold gets better soon.

  4. It's beautiful! I've made one string quilt with muslin foundation for the block. I was surprised at the weight. Wow. I decided to go with a large border.
    I think sewing the strips on paper and then tearing the paper away would help with the weight issue.

  5. I love how this turned out! I use old phonebook paper - which sometimes falls off while you are stitching because it is so thin. Oh sweetie - enjoy the treats and do feel better soon!

  6. Gorgeous! The knitted version is still brewing ...

  7. It's beautiful, looking at it closely, it's not just the colors you chose it's the texture in them that adds so much to it. I like the added weight of a string, it feels extra warm and comfy to me.

  8. This is a beautiful quilt, so many rich colors and the texture is wonderful. Just curious, what kind of batting did you use for this one?

  9. That's so pretty & I really like the black in it. The whole quilt reminds me of the "fractured" technique that I've been seeing around lately. Thanks for sharing all your important tips & information.

    Get well soon!

  10. That is GORGEOUS!!!! It looks like a jewel box!!

  11. What a wonderful way to use up your strings.

  12. I really like color coordinating strings; though I had thought of that for crumbs, I hadn't applied it to strings. Makes a great quilt! Visiting from Val's, but I don't have any string quilts or blocks to share--maybe next time the theme roll around!

  13. I like your variation of mAny are scrappy....perfect post to rejuvinate this week!

    1. Thanks for rejuvenating with us this week at Tuesday Archives. Isn't it wierd to think three years has already gone by!


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