
Friday, November 2, 2012

Pay it forward

 Want to help by Paying it Forward?    Erin at My Patchwork Life  has jumped in to start a project for the Sandy victims.  She needs blocks and offers a great little tutorial on what she wants for making some quilts for the storm victims.   Little does she know what she may have, I am making blocks to send her.  Please help if you can.   

2012 Christmas Quilt Show
The Christmas Quilt show is coming.  A new hostess this year at Quilting Tutorials.  . Entries begin on November 23rd.  Jump over and check out the details.

   Don't forget the Blogger's Quilt Festival going on at Amy's Creative Side.  Two things are going on right now....nominations for each category and voting for your overall favorite.  Here are the links.

Nomination form is Here for the Blogger's Quilt Festival. 
Vote here for your favorite quilt .
   There are some wonderful quilts here, and I hope you take a bit of time this weekend and view them.  Nothing like an online quilt show for some inspiration.

  My cold is finally breaking up and I am feeling much off to stitch a couple of blocks.


  1. Glad you are starting to feel better. I haven't even been anywhere near the BQF -- I really haven't had time. Life has been incredibly busy for me but it should begin to slow down now as the year begins to wind down (that's one good thing about having summer at the end of the year!)

  2. I will be "paying it forward" & send Erin some blocks. I've posted this on the message board that I belong to & hopefully more will be willing to make some blocks. I don't have time for a full quilt so I'm so glad you posted this for blocks.

    I'm glad you are beginning to feel better today.

  3. i got her address and am going to make some blocks for her


I enjoy comments and will reply if your email is linked! Otherwise, use my email in side bar for answers!