
Saturday, November 3, 2012

The third try

   Boy, these went together quickly, and I ended up with 3 before I knew it.
 I'm sending these off to Erin for her storm quilt project.  She offers a quick tutorial on this form of a disappearing 4 patch.

   Interruptions.....This is the third time to try and put together this post.  So let's zip to it and get it done.

   This quilt  is a gift for a friend's husband who is retiring.  Lots of batiks in the Turning Twenty Again pattern.  Sir Old Man critiqued it and said, "Bigger".        I obeyed this time and added a border strip of long pieces about 5 inches wide.  Now it measures  64" by 82".

  This is the one I was working on earlier with the feathered swirls.   I just did an all over / any which direction you want method.  After all this practice, I think I really do have this motif figured out.  

   I love the texture you get with the swirls on the batiks.

   Mike is the original "Mr. Mom" husband.  He cleans, he cooks, he fixes things, he works on cars, and is so nice to top it off.   So after all his Mr. Mom chores are done, and he has done some fun stuff, he will be able to put up his feet and nap under this.    Enjoy your well deserved life event, Mike.


   One more in my stack to quilt.  Time to get busy with some more piecing.  Happy stitching.   


  1. Oh my! I love your batiks! I have the turning twenty pattern book and have yet to try one.
    I'm now convinced that all guys like quilts larger than lap quilt size. haha

  2. I really like this quilt. I have heard about the Turning Twenty books...might have to find me one!!

  3. Turning Twenty is a perfect pattern for a retirement quilt... who wouldn't want to TT again. Love the colors - so manly. Good Job.

  4. I love the disappearing nine patch...might have to make some for this cause!

  5. Beautiful quilt! Very manly. Looking forward to trying that block out this week.


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